Day 3. Run for your life

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The boys had been running for what seemed like hours.

Once they came to a stop they all gasped and panted for air to enter their lungs.

"God I...I can't breath" sunoo lent over hands touching his knees

"Okay guys let's rest here for a little while okay so we can catch our breaths and Jake can rest" Heeseung decided.

"Oh thank god coz I hurt like a bitch" Jake sighed in relief of hearing they didn't have to keep going.

Sunghoon lowered him to the floor and sat him down.

"Thankyou" Jake smiled.

Sunghoon taking a seat beside him.

"Will someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on please?" Ni-ki flailed his arms around.

"Okay okay this is going to be a lot to take in" jay stood up and placed his hands on ni-ki's shoulders

"Go on then" ni-ki pushed

"Basically some kind of infection has entered people's brains and it makes them bad shit crazy and murderous" jay smiled.

"What?" Ni-ki furrowed his brows

"We don't understand it either kiddo, just roll with it" Heeseung shrugged.

"You should probably get some rest while we're parked here" Jungwon suggested

"You want me to sleep? Outside?" Ni-ki widened his eyes

"Get used to it kid" jay shrugged

"Just always be alert okay or you'll end up like Jake over here" Jungwon pointed towards the boy who had already passed out.

And with that Jungwon sat down next to jay.

"Anyone have any water?" Sunoo asked

"Here" sunghoon stripped his bag off his shoulder and handed a large water bottle that was inside to sunoo.

"Ahh Thankyou so much hoonie" sunoo smiled as he took the bottle.

"Since when have you had that" jay questioned

"It's a couple days old now but it's better than nothing" sunghoon shrugged

"God when will this mess be over" jay sighed

"Who knows, maybe once we all get infected, we don't even know if anyone is working on a cure" Heeseung leaned back resting on his hands.

"I miss my parents" Jungwon pouted

"Me too wonnie" Heeseung sighed

"I think we all need a parent right now" sunghoon chuckled

"When I was younger my mum used sing bed time stories because I was scared of monsters" sunoo smiled. "Wish she could do that now"

"When I left school I worked on a construction sight with my dad" Heeseung laughed

"I worked in a warehouse part time" jay rolled his eyes

"I didn't even finish school yet" ni-ki pouted

"I hated school, I was on my last year too" Jungwon sighed while he rested his head on Jays lap.

"What about you sunghoon?" Heeseung asked the 5 awake boys all turned to him.

"I was unemployed, I was about to head to uni when the world went to shit, my mum, dad and sister all got the infection, I had to leave home as soon as I could" sunghoon explained

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