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Jungkook sighed for the hunderth time today. The meeting was so boring. He just wanted to go back to his hotel room where Taehyung was.

He also wanted to explore the city with him. But that wasn't posible because of all these boring meetings he had to attend.

Jungkook got a headache from all those dumb people repeating the same thing over and over again. 

He wasn't stupid he had ears. So it wasn't necesary to repeat everything. They just needed to hire assistants with more brains and less boobs. 

Jungkook hated those type of flirty woman. 

Because one: they always act like they are some sort of goddess, when in real life they are fake ,plastic barbie dolls. And two: he is gay and they, well actually bisexual but his experience with women and especially women like those fake barbies are not very good. 

During the stupid meeting that was still going Jungkook searched the internet for some ideas.

He thought about this before they even arived in Paris. But he was going to take Taehyung out on a romantic date in the city of love. It can hardly be more beautiful then that.

Well with Taehyungs beauty as an exception.

"Okay the meeting is over." Someone said. But Jungkook didn't really care who he was just glad it was over.

"Have a good day Mister Jeon. I hope to see you again." One of the flirty barbie assistants said to Jungkook. 

"No thanks." Jungkook said before walking out of the meeting room.

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆

Jungkook arrived two hours after the meeting ended infront of the hotel.

After the meeting he made some arrangements for the date he prepared for Taehyung. It had to be perfect for his boyfriend.

With a smile on his face Junkook entered their hotel room. He walked in and saw no sign of Taehyung. 'Weird' Jungkook thought.

Then he walked into the bedroom and saw the beauty fast asleep.

'Why is he so cute.' Jungkook thought while looking at his boyfriend. He walked towards Taehyung and placed a kiss on his lips.

'This date will be perfect tomorow.' Jungkook thought while joining Taehyung in bed.

"Sleep well baby." Jungkook said while placing a final kiss on Taehyungs cheek while he hugged his boyfriend.

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