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Poussey lay on her back in her bunk, re-reading The Wizard Of Oz, occasionally smiling at the book, flipping each page carefully and slowly as if it was worth a million dollars. Poussey loved reading, because she could practically forget that she was in prison for hours on end, dissociating, her thoughts fully focused on the story. She could ignore the constant chatter and sometimes arguments that would occur in her block. (Which was often called ‘The Ghetto’.)

Although, reality is always waiting for you when you’ve finished distracting yourself. Poussey knew this. She knew that the moment she closed the book and put it underneath her bed (So no one nicked it), then her mind would be back in Litchfield Prison. Mr Caputo often called it Litchfield Correctional Institution, probably to try make it sound better, but, it’s still the same in the end.

Adleast she had Brook. Brook always listened to her, she was always there for her. She understood her, but if not, at least tried to. Brook would always be the first person Poussey would go to tell her news, good or bad. Whatever happens, ‘I gotta go tell Brook’ would always pop into her head, and she knew the feeling was mutual.

“Are you gonna sit here all day? C’mon P, we got things to do.” Taystee practically runs into her cell cube, sighing.

Cindy appears behind her, clicking her tongue and leaning against a half wall. “Yeah, people be rioting out here.” Cindy spoke, shaking her head while making a hand gesture.

”Mmm-mm. We’ve finally got an opportunity to go against MCC and the guards that treat us like shit.” Taystee replied, whispering slightly, as and they both looked at Poussey.

“Shh man I know, I know.”

She got up from her bed, and the three of them walked out and down the corridors, to the cafeteria. Women in their khaki all in one prison clothes roamed the halls, many of them in groups, head down, walking faster than usual so they didn’t get stopped and felt up by a guard. Everything had gotten so much worse now in Litchfield.

On the way there they saw a drawing of massive boobs on the prison wall, drawn with permanent marker. Whoever had done that would probably be sent to Max if they got caught. The three of them laughed, imagining Piscatella’s reaction when he sees it.

Piscatella, the new captain of all the CO’s, never turns down a chance to tell the inmates that they’re animals, unworthy of basic human decency. Most people are scared of him, or hate him so much that their pure hatred overruns fear. 

They reach the cafeteria, seeing Blanca Flores and Piper Chapman standing on a table together, Flores in a hunched stance, looking half asleep and had already pissed herself twice. Piper was staring into space, bored. Flores hadn’t showered in days, and had been putting food and odours on herself so the guards wouldn’t touch her up in the corridors. It was predominantly the Black and Latina inmates that kept being stopped and searched. The guards didn’t bother hiding their blatant racism, even going as far to call them derogatory names in the corridors and giving them higher punishment than if a white inmate had done the same. 

The reason Flores was on the table was, of course, because of Piscatella. It was either she gave in and took a shower, or she’d just have to stand there until she drops dead. As for Piper, she had offered Flores a granola bar and was consequently forced to join her.

“That’s some bullshit...” Taystee muttered.

Poussey’s eyes scanned the cafeteria, finally setting on her girl Brook, who was situated at a table in the corner. She had her tray of mush which is supposed to be food. It’s disgusting, watery, looks and tastes like shit.

The cafeteria was half full (or half empty, however you looked at it.) It was also quieter than usual, most likely because CO Humphrey was in there, standing steady and stern, giving people shots when he felt like doing so.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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