Our Mystic Night (will fix)

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Our Story begins in a house in Trolberg, Scandinavia in Northern Europe.

We see a young adult couple: a white-haired, light-skinned man and a blue-haired, light-skinned woman. They are Lincoln Loud and Hilda, both at the age of 20. They've recently gotten married 1 year ago.

They have a child of their own. A 1 year old daughter named Lyra. She greatly resembles her mother Hilda, but with a white hair tip.


Hey folks,

"I've moved back to Trolberg with Hilda and her Mom, because my own oldest sister tried to ruin me and Hilda's life, all because she couldn't accept our relationship." Lincoln said.

"Now, you're probably wondering: 'Hey Lincoln, how did you and Hilda end up together, and what did your oldest sister do to the both of you years ago that made you move to Trolberg?' Well, If you want to know, then sit back and listen, for I will tell you a little story of how it all began. It's rather long, but I hope you'll bear with me."


"Long years before Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lily were even born, Hilda had been friends with me, ever since their families used to be neighbors in her enchanted forest home. The Louds were their only neighbors to her and her mother Johanna. Both Hilda and I grew up together since they were toddlers, and we loved to explore together in the forest. But the Louds were forced to move back due to thinking that the creatures, especially the trolls in the forest, were becoming dangerous. Why is it that, you might ask? Here's why."

"I had an encounter with a troll, and it nearly got me killed. That is what forced the Louds to move back to Royal Woods. Me and Hilda promised that we will see each other again.

"Years later, we still miss each other dearly. I wanted to see Hilda again after all those years."

"Back in Royal Woods, I started going to high school. And to my surprise, I saw Hilda there, and she saw me. Hilda, her deer-fox Twig, her Elf friend Alfur, and her mother Johanna visited Royal Woods as Hilda became an exchange student there. We stared at each other before embracing each other in a hug, knowing how much we missed each other dearly and reunited again after all those years."

"Apparently, this reunion didn't go unnoticed by my best friend and former crush, Ronnie Anne, who's also the little sister of my oldest sister Lori's boyfriend Bobby. She apparently felt she had competition for my affections, having a hard time accepting that me and Hilda are together."

"But then suddenly, Lori started to act dangerously towards Hilda when we started dating. But the rest of my sisters, including Lola, Luna, Leni, Lucy, Lily and Lisa seen how happy I am with Hilda. To be with my childhood sweetheart. Lola even said that they should let me be with who I love and they all agreed. They had to restrain, or worse, get into bad arguments, or fights with Lori or Ronnie Anne from trying to ruin our lives since they refused to let us be together."

"My friends, even Clyde, just abandoned me ever since Hilda came back to my life when she came to Royal Woods. I thought they were my friends! The nerve of them! Well, them, except for Girl Jordan and Stella. They didn't like Hilda at first, but they eventually started to warm up to her. They've even seen how cute her Deer-Fox Twig is."

"When me and Hilda were around 19-years old, I accidentally got Hilda pregnant with our first and only daughter Lyra while we were still closer to graduating high school back in Royal Woods. Some time later, I asked for her hand in marriage, and she accepted."

"While we're getting married, Lori, of course, was very upset and angered that I was being married to someone other than Ronnie Anne. Lori only sees Hilda and our young daughter as mistakes, refusing to let them be a part of the family, and kept saying that I should've married Ronnie Anne over and over again. It drove her to insanity. In short, She attempted to ruin our wedding to make me fall for Ronnie Anne, and for that, she was sent to prison for life." Lincoln then sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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