Thank you for trusting me with this

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TW: (talking about) abuse, talking about loss


Almost half an hour had passed. Nothing had been said. Sarah still holding your hand that was sitting in your lap. You were fidgeting with the beautiful rings around her fingers. Both looking out to the pond. Sarah was very focused on you and your breathing, worried that you would go into an anxiety attack. But since you left the diner and went to the park again you had seemed to calm down a bit.

"He's a drunk. An abusive drunk." You said still looking at Sarah's hands and rings, breaking a silence that seemed to last forever. Sarah just looked at you empathically but not saying a word because she was glad you finally felt comfortable enough to talk.

"This morning I got hurt. It was my faulth, I'm not careful enough with my words sometimes. And I know how my dad can be. It was my faulth." You say slightly turning your head towards Sarah.

"Did he do this to you?" Sarah asks you while gently bringing her hand towards your face like she did in the diner but this time you let her. You just nod. "This is not your faulth, nor should you ever be feeling like it is or was." Sarah said. "Is he home right now?" she asks you.

"No he is at work, probably out drinking later so he wont be for awhile. why?" you ask her.

" Well I've been quiet lonely lately and I don't feel comfortable letting you go home. Someone should also take a look at that eye and nose of yours. So what do you think about spending the night at my place? We can go and pick up some of your stuff right now?"

A weak smile appears on your face and you nod in agreement. Sarah reaches for your hand again and you gladly take it. On your way to pick up some stuff to spend the night at Sarah's she stops you.

"Thank you for trusting me with this, (Y/N)." Sarah says and looks you deep into your eyes. You look back at her and say " Thank you for genuinely caring. I still don't know why you are helping me but I do know that you are a true gift from the heavens." Sarah looks at you and the cutest smile appears on her face, she even starts to blush a little. She bites her lower lip and you swear you could have believed that the future held something beautiful for you right then and there.

Upon arriving at Sarah's house you are overwhelmed with how nice it is looking. She leads you into the spare room where you will be sleeping and shows you around the house. After that you sit down on her couch and Sarah brings you some tea. You take the cup out of her hands and thank her.

" You have a very beautiful home, Sarah. Thanks for inviting me. But please tell me something about yourself, I really am curious to get to know you more."

"Well what do you know about me already and what do you want to know more?" she asks you.

You didn't know much about her. You read a lot but almost never watched tv. You actually didn't know who Sarah was until that night at the park. "All I know is that you are a beautiful woman with a very kind heart." you replied.

Sarah actually liked the fact that you did not seem to know who she was. "Well I was born in Tampa Florida but I ended up here somehow.. I had a girlfriend for a long time but now I live alone" when she said that she looked up from her cup of tea and your eyes met.

You felt your face turning red as you didn't know if she was hinting at something with that or not. "I'm sorry about that" you said. Sarah looked back down at her tea, sadness filling her eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?" you ask.

"Her name was Grace but she passed away not all too long ago. She was very young still." A tear rolling down her cheek as you wiped it away for her.

"If you don't want to talk about it it's totally fine but just know that this thing where we can be there for eachother doesn't have to be one sided. I'm here for you Sarah."

Sarah gives you a smile because she can't find the words to tell you how gratefull she is for what you've just said. But you instantly feel that she isn't ready to talk about her loss.

"So what is it that you do for a living?" You ask her, trying to change the subject.

"I'm an actress actually, I'm in things like American Horror Story and just recently Ratched." She replies looking back at you, eyes still glassy from tearing up but also a small smile. She seems very proud of her work.

"Oh wow this I didn't know!" you say "Maybe I should watch something of you sometime."

"I actually liked the fact that you knew nothing about me, you are one of the few people that is getting to know the real me without knowing anything about me up front. And I am enjoying this. So please promise not to google me or something?" She asks you.

"Okay I can live with that, as long as you promise to give me the chance to really get to know the Sarah that's sitting in front of me because I'm starting to really like the way this person is." You say to her grabbing her hand and rubbing hers with your thumb.

"I promise" she said as she took you by your arm and pulled you in for a hug.

You really aren't much of a hugger but with Sarah it felt different and after bringing up her, now dead, girlfriend she might be needing this hug.

"Are you okay?" you ask her while holding her tight and rubbing circles on her back.

"I am now, thank you for staying (Y/N)" she says while crawling deeper inside the nook of your neck. "Could we maybe lay down for a little while?" she asks you.

"Of course Sarah." you say as you pull her down to your side as you lay down on the spacious couch in the living. Even tho you are not much of a touchy feely kind of person you had to admit this felt really nice. You were so close to Sarah that you could feel her breath on your skin. You grabbed the blanket that was hanging over the side of the couch and tucked you both in.

"Thank you (Y/N), I haven't rested normally for so long since Grace..." she stopped talking and even tho her eyes are still closed a tear managed to escape. "I'm sorry, just... just thank you".

"It's okay Sarah just rest for a bit I'm not going anywhere." you say quietly while brushing your fingers through the blonds hair. You can see her beautiful face relax at your touch as she is drifting of to sleep. Shortly after you follow her, falling asleep in each other's arms.


A/N: Hi so as you can see I did not use Holland because 'Grace' will have a personal storyline (will become clear in the future) and I didn't feel comfortable using Holland for this one. So I just came up with someone totally different. But isn't that the beauty of writing ;)

I hope you like it so far.. Sorry for spelling mistakes, I really am trying my best! :) Also thanks to the people who are actually reading these, I hope you guys are having a great day X

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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