Chapter 31 - Butting Heads

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The stranger grabbed him and Ezekiel couldn't understand or quite deny the sharp arc of soft electric awareness that caressed him all over his skin as the man wrestled with him.

His long lean legs wrapped around Ezekiel hips, while his other hand snatched at Ezekiels hair, tangling in his scalp and Ezekiel sensed the strike that was coming next.

The mortal was going to stab the needle into his chest. Speed and skill brought his palm up into its path. He crushed the mortal's hand into his own and the syringe and at just the right angle to keep it from shattering.

The mortal gasped, his green eyes widening in fear as Ezekiel nearly crushed his hand. Ezekiel could have snapped his wrist just them, or used his strength to force the syringe to burst in his hand and cut his palm open...

But Ezekiel could still see that the mortal was not in any shape to take more damage. He saw the cut in his temple, and felt the heat on the mortal's skin and just faintly beneath his over powering scent was the smell of rot still coming from the wound in his side...

So Ezekiel used his fingertips to apply pressure to the mortals' wrist and tendons instead.

The soft sound of glass shattering as it hit the ground came to him as the mortal gasped in pain and released the needle. But Ezkeiel ignored it. He regained his balance, shook off the mortals hand and pushed him soundly into the wall again.

The mortal tried to scream, but Ezekiel slammed his forearm into the mortal's throat and locked it there. With a soft gag the mortals head and back slammed into the wall. While his legs remained wrapped around Ezekiels hips.

Ezekiel used his body to press him into the wall and hold him against it with his own hips and weight.

"Fuck...let...go!" The mortal panted and suddenly he was clawing at Ezekiels arm.

Ezekiel ignored the sharp bite of nails on his skin as he used his other hand to capture his wrist and push his arm behind the mortal. The mortal pushed and struggled against him, but soon Ezekiel had his arms shackled behind his back and used the wall to hold him in place. The mortal grunted in pain as the pressure hit him in his shoulders and undoubtedly in his stomach, but instead of calming down he tried to maneuver his chin downward so that he could take a bite out of Ezekiel arm that he had over his throat, pushing him into the wall.

Ezekiel hissed and leaned into his arm, pressing on his throat more. The mortal wheezed. "Stop right there! I'll be damned if I let you sink those vicious things into my arm again." Ezekiel told him.

"Let go of me you ass!" The mortal panted, his eyes staring down as Ezekiel forced his chin up was with his forearm. Angry gossamer green eyes glared down at him.

"No." Ezekiel told him...still talking softly as he cast the door a look to see if anyone was coming in. So far Ezekiel could see that one was messing with the door, but he knew that he had to get the mortal calm before his family came bargaining things got blown totally out of proportion. Ezekiel leaned in slightly, still speaking in a whisper he talked up to the man. "Hey please clam down. I'm sorry about this, but I had to stop you before you hurt someone... I'll put you down now if you can be calmer."

Rather then calming down the mortal bucked again. "Why the hell are you whispering!?" The mortal tried to shout around the arm pressed to his wind pipe, but he only managed to get out a short harsh wheeze.

"Im whispering because there are some people out there in the hallway who don't need to know about you attacking me again!" Ezekiel said softly and pointed with his chin at the small pile of glass next to his feet where the needle had shattered in the carpet.

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