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"Come on guys we're going to be late." Elon shouts as it echoes through the whole house, causing the ground to shake.

"Wow Elon..I wonder where you practiced that dominance". Mark says as he crawls around with his usual lizard smirk.

Elon's face begins to turn red, but is interrupted as he hears Jeffrey coming down the stairs. Elon notices a sincere, somewhat sad look on his face. "Jeffrey..is everything alright..?"

He hesitates a bit before answering,"To be honest..not really.." he pauses again before continuing, "I just heard the 58 second Bo Burnham song Bezos I , I really was a Bo Burnham fan.. I love the beat but the lyrics were pretty passive aggressive :(".

Elon and Mark can tell that Jeffrey is in pain, and as much as they want to be there for their friend, they need to go be speakers at UCLA. They both wrap Jeffrey into a big 'bro' hug, smelling the gasoline and patchouli on him.

The three of them have been friends for quite some time now. To everyone they seemed like the ideal friend group, all of them being 100% ethically rich and successful, but there had been a lot of increased tension lately. It was Mainly Elon..he had just been acting different.

As they are leaving the factory, Elon pauses for a second-"Wait-I forgot my phone inside!!" He says as he's fidgeting around, clearly flustered. "It's fine, we'll wait for you" Mark says reassuringly, but slightly confused by his reaction.

Elon rushes through the door, seeing his phone by the rim of the conveyor belts. He sighs in relief when all of a sudden he hears a scatter of notifications on his phone. He purses his lips together, already knowing what it was. He quickly silencing his phone and clearing the all of them. He quickly rushes out of the door and onto their bicycles.

The students ogle and eye the three of them as they roam the halls of the school. The clicks and clacks of their heelys causing echos through the poorly insulated building. As they are led into the classroom, they are shocked by amount of students in the spacious classroom.

As Mark is standing there, lifeless as per usual and Jeffrey flashing everyone a big smile, Elon roams the classroom, curious about everyone. His eyes widen as he see's what he feared he would, Why did this have to happen to me today? , he thinks to himself. He quickly diverts his attention to a girl, wearing a very simplistic minion outfit. His eyes roams her body, trying to search for any indication of the brand. But even so, he still cannot help but think about what he is avoiding.

He quickly snaps out of his trance as he hears the professor ask for a student to come up and present. His breath is hitched up,but is interrupted again as he received a nudge and a concerned look from Mark.

'God..Oh god..please no..' Elon thinks to himself..

He takes a sigh of relief as the girl in the minion outfit raises her hands. The hitch still remaining in his throat though..

Why am I like this? Why do I do this to myself? Why does there always have to be something buried deep down? I'm sick of it, I'm sick of living on the edge. I wish I could be honest to everyone else...especially myself.

What is up with Elon? What is he hiding? What will happen when Y/N goes up there?

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