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"Hello, what brings you here?" The receptionist asked, taking her eyes off the computer

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"Hello, what brings you here?" The receptionist asked, taking her eyes off the computer.

"We were told to serve this bottle of wine to Mr Kang," Chenle told the woman.

The receptionist rose an eyebrow as she glanced at the trolley tray with the bottle of wine and dishes. She looked at the three men and asked Chenle, "Who said that?"

"The head of services," Chenle answered, his facade never failing.

As the woman dialled a number, Renjun typed in a code that transferred the call to him. So, when the call was answered, Renjun was the one who answered it.

"Hello, is this the head of Services?" 

Renjun placed a voice changer and spoke into the phone, "Yes it is. Is there any problem?" 

"I was just checking if Mr Kang was sent a bottle of wine." 

"Yes, he was. Has it arrived at his office?" Renjun played along.

"Ah, the servers are with me. I'll let them pass now. Oh... may I know who sent it?" The woman asked.

"The usual place," Renjun answered.

The woman thanked him and ended the call. She nodded to proceed towards the office.

Chenle walked over to the office and entered inside. Jeno handed the trolley to Donghyuck and guarded the room outside.

As the door closed, Donghyuck pushed the trolley towards the CEO's table.

"Well, hello there." Mr Kang greeted.

"Hello, sir. We've come to give you a new bottle of wine." Donghyuck said.

The CEO waited for his drink as Donghyuck poured the drink into a wineglass. Chenle stood next to Donghyuck, looking around to find something to help him.

Spotting the curtains that were open he proceeded to ask, "Would you like your curtains closed, Sir?"

The man nodded. Chenle walked behind him and towards the blinds- closing it. Donghyuck anxiously watched Chenle close the blinds and slowly take out an injection. 

"Sir, would you like to eat anything with the drink?" Donghyuck asked, trying to avert the man's attention away from Chenle.

The man looked at the options, indulged with the different fancy snacks in front of him. Slowly, Chenle walked up to the CEO and before the man could choose what he wanted, Chenle stabbed the injection into the man's neck, pushing the liquid inside.

Immediately, the man's head fell towards the table but, Donghyuck's hand cushioned the fall. 

"You sure he's dead?" Chenle whispered into the earpiece.

"Of course he is. It's *Botulinum Toxin." Renjun answered.

*Botulinum Toxin - Produced by anaerobic bacteria, it's the most toxic substance known.

Chenle hastily slipped out a USB from his pocket and connected it to the computer. The device made the computer switch on and log on to the computer.

Then, it started to locate where the files that contained their information was. Chenle watched multiple files pop up and his demeanour became even more serious.

"Shit. They have all our information. Every member. They're all here." Chenle lowly said.

"We need to hurry this up. I think I found our long lost friend." Jaemin mumbled into the earpiece.

"I agree, we only have 2 minutes left." Jeno softly said.

Chenle lightly tapped his finger on the table as the information synced into the USB.

"What are we going to do with the info again?" Jisung asked.

"Money," Renjun answered.

"But, it's about us," Jisung said questioningly. 

"We'll kill that mafia before they receive the USB," Donghyuck explained.

"Done!" Chenle exclaimed as a whisper.

Ejecting the USB, Chenle slipped it back into his pocket and the computer automatically switched off.

Ejecting the USB, Chenle slipped it back into his pocket and the computer automatically switched off

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