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Both Chenle and Donghyuck walked out of the office, Donghyuck handed the trolley to Jeno

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Both Chenle and Donghyuck walked out of the office, Donghyuck handed the trolley to Jeno.

"Why are you giving it back to me?" Jeno asked.

"Because." Donghyuck childishly replied.

Jeno shook his head at the boy and they all proceeded to walk into the elevator. Before Chenle walked in, he crouched down to tie his shoelace.

This was to cover up the fact he slyly flicked a mini circular object onto the wall. Feeling like he did something amazing, Chenle walked inside the elevator with his head held high.

As they descended to the main level, Jaemin spoke through the earpiece.

"Shit. The pair caught on." 

"Take them out," Chenle muttered.

So, as Chenle, Donghyuck and Jeno exited the building, Jaemin and Jisung tracked down the two agents that had started to walk away from the restaurant.

Loading their guns, they followed both 60 and 61- they were walking towards the elevator. Once they entered, Jaemin and Jisung also entered.

The girl glanced at the two boys and as she tried to exit, Jaemin stopped her. 

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"My job," Jaemin said threateningly.

"Jaemin, keep them alive! We need to investigate them." Doyoung said through the earpiece.

Jaemin hummed as an answer and locked eyes with the girl. 61's demeanour became fragile and threw a punch to Jaemin's stomach.

Jisung shot her in the stomach and then proceeded to punch 60 in the eye. Jaemin hit a spot on her neck which knocked her out and proceeded to do the same on 60.

However, the man was persistent, throwing punches at the two boys. Luckily, after a few punches, Jaemin hit him- knocking him out.

As the door opened, Jisung and Jaemin widened their eyes looking at the guests that wanted to enter the elevator. A few of them screamed, one of them trying to call the police.

"What do we do??" Jisung asked.

"What we always do!" Jaemin said, shooting them.

Quickly, they exited the hotel. Jaemin threw a grenade into the building and they hurriedly ran with the bodies on their back.

The two met up with Chenle and the others in the van. They all made sure to tie up their hostages and as they looked up at the building, they watched as the floors of the building blew up.

The chaotic fire had burst through the glass and consumed every bit of the building. Chenle smirked at the flames- happy that he completed his mission.

"Well, I'm tired." Mark yawned.

"I'll drive," Doyoung said.

As Hwayoung sat at her study desk, fresh from her shower, she opened up her books to study. But, she received a vision.

Her body froze looking at a building on fire. Her heart was beating rapidly as she watched the flames.

"What the hell?" Hwayoung mumbled, her eyebrows furrowed.

She was exhausted from hanging out with her friends and then training so when she was welcomed with that vision- she hoped she was just hallucinating.

As the vision disappeared. Hwayoung took out her small notebook and wrote on a blank page Chenle's name.

Her mind filled with so many thoughts and wrote two things on the paper underneath Chenle's name. The words were: Violence & Fire.

Gulping, Hwayong's mind went to one thought and one thought only. She started to think that Chenle might be a serial killer.

With that thought, her body shook a little- her mind going back to Sam. 

"What if they do the same thing?" Hwayoung asked under her breath.

"What if they do the same thing?" Hwayoung asked under her breath

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hey cuties! i finally got to update another chapter :)

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