Chapter 2: Meeting the lady

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At first I stutter, then I wriggle around trying to find out why I'm getting lifted up into the air. I know someone's pulling me up but who? I make an effort to look behind me which is difficult as I can't see the full picture but I can tell it's a very tall woman. She throws me onto the ground with such force, causing me to groan on the fancy floor. 

You know.. I could just kill them right now as long as I don't get caught in the air agai- ugh, the f*cking sword.. I bring my hand to my face in such annoyance and rubbing my eyes as I just run toward the sword. But.. the sword drops as the witch or demon holding it turns into a swarm of insects and fly to me. My arms raise to my face in an attempt to shield myself but nothing feels bitten... I make a run for the sword again but feel myself get stabbed in the hip.

This makes me fall to the floor while writhing in pain. Feels like it touched bone. "Fuck... fuck.." getting on one knee and trying to get on another while I curse under my breath at the pain of being stabbed in an area I'm not used to. She rips out whatever was jabbed into me and makes sounds as if smelling heavenly food. "Man blood..." She whispers but enough for us to hear in the echoey room. "Is that a ki-" "You come into my house and attack MY DAUGHTERS?!" The tall one yells to which I roll my eyes. "Is it a crime to stay warm?"

"I was only trying to warm myself by the fire but then flies came. Those Nevan girls came... Really it's their fault!"

"Just give me the swor-" she pierces my ankles with her claws by gapping her fingers. "You could've just said no-" Claws ripped from my flesh and wrapped around my neck, coating the skin of my neck in my own blood. She lifts me up by the neck and squeezes more tightly as the seconds pass while she takes me into another room. Actually.. she won't stop walking. Once the squeezing becomes too much my smug smirk erases and I scratch at her hands, even kicking her torso.

By the second kick she's already frustrated enough to make sure my kicking is out of range. In a minute or two I'm brought into a dark room by going downstairs as the girls follow us. That's when I get thrown to a hard wall and a barred door closes. A prison cell? "Can I have my sword yet?"

(Anyone out of character? Tell me if something's wrong)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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