Don't Fall Asleep

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It's that time again of the week.

It's that time again of the month.

After consistently and continuously working late night hours, I still have 2 days before the end of the week and finally enjoy the comfort of my days off.

Don't get me wrong, I will never complain about the job that I have. In fact, I am somewhat reallythankful. I never had to engage to hectic schedule, forced socializing and face gatherings and marketing.

There was nothing dissatisfying about it that I could think of, aside for the fact that there may be dull nights and repetitive procedures. Due to these, I might get drowsy at times if I'm not on alert.

Speaking of which, in fact, what is exactly happening right now. I'm already on a constant battle of fighting my eyelids to droop down and cover my eyes and my head flop down on my desk. It has been almost 2 hours and I think I might be loosing this battle.

I tried to think of a way to shake this feeling off, a strategy, I decided to read a book; wrong move. I was only on the first page when my senses got dulled and I seem to hear a bit of humming on my mind nudging to me to sleep.

I almost lost it. I put down the book and grab my cup and head to the water dispenser to make myself some coffee. When I pressed down for a hot water, there was nothing there; "Great, no more water". I have no choice but to wait until they refill it later. I looked up to the wall clock, it was only 30 minutes past midnight.

Nothing left to do, I decided to head towards the comfort room to wash my face. Get some cold water to wake me up and help me stay awake until my shift.

When I stood up again on my chair and walk towards the restroom, I noticed the air-conditioning emitting chills. I know it was supposed to do that, its suppose to make the air in the room within below room temperature to make if cool for the employees, but this sudden gust is chilling me to the bones. I noticed my hair on my arms rose up. I rubbed my arms to get some friction in them and let it go and continued walking, not paying attention anymore to it.

While walking, I must be really out of my mind and sleepy that even counting the window panes and seeing the dark sky outside our office building kept me distracted. It seems weird at times when you think about it, I am stationed at the second floor but the windows here seems so high that looking outside seemed like I can only see the black surrounding of the night. I noticed my reflection on the window mirror and saw myself yawning.

I decided to walk faster and head to the comfort room. Its only a one cubicle per person restroom that has a wide space for a single person to do their business alone. There is a huge tabletop sink and faucet with a oval mirror on the right side, just beside the toilet and a 2 mirrored window opposite its direction. Its so dark outside.

Paying no mind, I head straight to the sink and tap on the faucet, letting the cold water run through my hands. It was a bit weird that the water seems so cold to the touch that you can compare it to frozen water; much comparative to prickly ice water, as I've noticed that the hair on my arms brush up again.

I thought this could do the trick. I splash the cold water to my face and try to sink in the coldness of the water to my cheeks. Shockingly it was so cold, I instantly reacted to the water hitting my face and tried to reach the tissue dispenser on my right.

I was having a bit of a hard time reaching the tissue on my right so I decided to squint my eyes open to look where it is. To my horror, I caught a glimpse of a face on the window on top to my right looking straight at me.

The person, if it was, was a woman with pale white face and reddened eyes. She had black hair and chapped lips and her skin looks so sickeningly white that her veins seems to be popping out. I was staggering on how to react on the situation when my hand felt and caught a tissue. I pressed the tissue hard on my face and eyes and decided to look up to the window again to see if I was having a hallucination. When I looked up again, there was nothing there. Everything was black outside the window. No traces of someone being there.

I didn't notice that I was holding my breath tight on my chest due to the shock, I looked down on the sink and tap the water faucet again to let out cold water again. I washed my face again to get rid of the disturbing vision that I saw. That woman's face was horridly traumatizing.

I let out a huge breathe of relief and instantly knew that I will somehow wont be able to fall asleep tonight, much bad than that, I wont be able to focus at work due to what happened.

I knew that if I tell people about it, they may think that I was simply being crazy and dozing off having a nightmare while on duty. So I decided to fix myself up and look at the mirror.

When I look up, she was there.


She was more vividly horrifying face to face. The woman looking straight at me through the mirror with the long black hair, reddened eyes that screams bloodshed, chapped lips, sickeningly white skin that now that I look up close was almost near to being white and blue, and her veins are popping out everywhere.

Webbed veins on her face, her neck, her arms. I was staring back at her, she looks dazed, somewhat amused on shocked expression. I couldn't feel my hands now. I am gasping for air.She then decided to do something that had me screaming for help.

She opened her mouth as if to speak. But there was no sound.Worst there was no tounge! And her mouth was so dark and something was crawling outside!


It was crawling from inside of her mouth, one leg to the other!I don't know which one gave up on me, my mind or my body. I then suddenly can't feel my legs and dropped down to the stone cold floor. Now my body also following and darkness overcoming my sight, covering the woman in front of me as I sink down. My mind was preparing on the impact...

Then I woke up.

I hit my head on my desk.

I heard the loud thud and I felt the pain. I woke up with beads of sweat trickling down my face and I wasn't sure if I was praying and thanking at the same time that it was all just a bad dream.

I stood up and grab my cup and head to the water dispenser and when I pressed down for a hot water, there was nothing there; "Great, no more water". I have no choice but to wait until they refill it later. I looked up to the wall clock, it was only 30 minutes past midnight.

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