O. N. E.

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I can't write with Y/n cuz..... I JUST DON'T LIKE IT. I am gonna write with Ira ( sounds like Aera). So deal with it.

In the depths of young Wilson Ira's existence, there thrived a captivating enigma. At the tender age of 17, he was a cipher of contradictions, ensconced within a realm of her own making. Though she shared an age bracket with the vibrant high school populace, her life had unfurled along an entirely different trajectory, guided by the soft hum of homeschooling rather than the bustling classrooms of her peers.

Wilson Ira, an embodiment of reticence and compassion, bore the hallmarks of an introvert. Her world revolved around the gentle cadence of solitude, where books were her closest companions, and introspection her favored pastime. Amidst the vibrant tapestry of youth, she remained an elusive specter, content in the embrace of her own thoughts.

Yet, in the shadows of her reclusive existence, a malevolent force emerged—an entity known as her stepmother. In the annals of darkness, she was a grotesque specter, a perverted siren who had woven her way into Ira's life with sinister intent. Three short years separated them in age, yet an abyss of jealousy and bitterness yawned between their souls.

Upon Ira's father's demise, the tendrils of her greed unfurled in full force. She cast Ira aside like a discarded relic, her loathing driven by a venomous cocktail of envy and resentment. The mere sight of Ira's innate beauty, an ethereal grace she could never possess, fueled the fires of her malice. She had ensnared his aging father, leading him down the treacherous path of matrimony for the promise of riches.

Within the grandeur of the Wilson Industries empire, she reigned as its mistress, her maleficence seeping into every corner of their shared existence. Yet, the winds of change whispered their secrets as Ira's 18th birthday loomed on the horizon. The hourglass of her dominion over Ira was dwindling, a countdown to her emancipation.

As fate continued its dance, another ominous chapter awaited. She, the nefarious stepmother, had set her sights on a new target, a union with the CEO of Kim Industries, a certain Kim Taehyung. A sinister alliance that promised to be yet another dark twist in the saga of Wilson Ira's tumultuous life.

In the convoluted dance of alliances and ambition, Taehyung, a figure of enigmatic purpose, harbored not even a faint glimmer of attraction for the perverted Lina Wilson. His intentions bore no trace of amorous entanglement, for his pursuit was rooted in cold, calculated pragmatism. The marriage he had entered into with Lina was but a strategic maneuver, an intricate chess move within the grand game of corporate power.

Taehyung, possessing an acute understanding of the impending shift of power within Wilson Industries, had crafted a plan with Machiavellian precision. He recognized Ira as the heir apparent, destined to assume the mantle of CEO upon reaching adulthood. Yet, in the shadow of Lina's insidious designs, that prospect seemed bleak. It was an unsettling truth that if the lecherous Lina Wilson ascended to the throne, the realm of CEOship would be tainted beyond redemption.

In his grand design, Taehyung had plotted a divorce from Lina, a mere three months hence. This separation would be the key that unlocked the future he envisioned. Once divorced, he would forge an alliance with Ira, aligning their respective interests and visions for the company. It was a scheme born of necessity, a desperate gambit to ensure that Ira, with her purity of purpose, would ascend to the highest echelons of corporate power.

The union of Wilson Industries and Kim Industries held the promise of unprecedented profitability, a golden chalice that Taehyung coveted with relentless zeal. His reputation as a man who could transcend the boundaries of legality and morality for his desires was not unwarranted. In the pursuit of his objectives, he recognized no limits, no boundaries, for when Taehyung set his sights on a prize, there was nothing he would not do to claim it.

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