The confessions

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(So later that night Ava sent Jung a text asking 'what the fuck just happened!' Of course Jung wouldn't reply instantly,he was also busy that night . Jung's parents are super rich and their always busy to spend time with Jung ,so Jung grew not knowing the love and fun from his parents. And yes Jung is the only child which was pretty sad because no one would hang out with him because he was ugly in elementary school . Jung arrived at Sam's house stating that he is gonna stay there until his parents come back from their business trip. Jung saw Ava's message and ignored it. Now your thinking'why is Jung not replying to her ' Jung never wants to explain himself and his actions to other people' he hates that!) " Umm Sam! Ajumma is asking for your assistance downstairs."(Sam quickly goes down stairs to help his mom. Jung goes to his room and sits down on a chair while he is sitting down his hand starts to shake intensively . While his hand was shaking he used his other hand to quickly grab his pills .Now your probably wondering why his hand was shaking and why he needs his pills well I'll tell you. Jung is Diagnosed with Essential Tremor . It is a neurogical disorder that causes uncontrollable shaking and ETC.The cause of this is still unknown but his doctor thinks it's because of his past , being bullied and ETC . So he takes anxiety pills for some reason. Jung is very weak ,if he has a cold or a flu , he would just die from how weak he is (*_*). ) "Shit!I thought this shaking stopped already ,UGH!"(Jung shouts out loud . Sam heard him screaming and barged in his room worried.) "Yoo what the hell happened dude! Ummm nothing, nothing happened. Are you sure Jung that your okay ? Yeah dude I'm just great . Then why were you screaming?um um um" (Jung looks around the room to try and find an excuse. Until he looks at his lotion he gets an idea.) " I,I,,I was just ...... mas.......tur.....bating."( Jung gives Sam a weak wide smile.)"Gross Jung!Us Parks are better than that! Grow up!"( Sam slams the door and goes to his room . Jung rolls his eyes and finishes his homework. Jung finally finishes his homework and checks his phone . He sees Ava's text and turns off his phone quicker than lightning. In his mind when he looks at Ava he remembers that creepy man following her and he thinks what that man would have done to Ava if he wasn't there to protect Ava. Jung goes to bed and overthinks about his life and he goes to sleep after 3 hours of overthinking.)"Mom can I take the car today ? No! I'm going to work today honey,they said something about our sales going down at 5% so I need to take the car , take your dad's car it's about time you drive it ."(Ava closes her eyes for a sec and starts crying because she misses her dad .)" Oh baby ,don't cry , I know you miss daddy , I miss him too (Ava and her mom both start crying.)" Uhh mom ,I still need to go to school (Ava says while wiping off her tears.)"ok baby , have a nice day a school!"( Ava gets into her dad's car and suddenly remembers all the memories she had with him in the car . Ava quickly wipes her tears and plays music . Ava goes to pick Sam . Ava arrives at Sam's house . Sam opens the door and gets in ,While Ava is about to step on the gas Jung runs over to the car and opens the car door , leaving Ava in shock.) "Uuhhh Jung , whatcha doin.... In my car . Uhhhh I'm going to school with you guys ......what are you waiting for Ava step on it or we will be late!"( Ava drives in shock not knowing why he got in the car . Jung puts on his headphones and starts listening to music. Ava looks at Sam , wanting Sam to tell her what the hell is going on.)" Sam what the heck why did he get in here !!! His parents are on a business trip so he will riding with us for a while. Uuuuhhhhh why would the same person who kissed me without a reason get in the same car as me and doesn't tell me why he kissed me .....I'm in shock!!!! I mean why wou-Wait a minute Ava , Jung did what !!!!"( Sam looks at Ava with a disgusted face.) "This guy who is sitting right here at the back kissed you!!!! Uhhhh yeah last night! No wonder he was masturbating,he was thinking about you!!!!!"(Sam laughs his lungs out)"Ewwwwa ! He is such a perv!!!! Is he even listening to us !! Ya ,Ya Ya ,Y-, shhhhhh don't tell him I want to talk to him first Ava then you can kill him then ! ........ Fine!!!!!(Ava drives at 100 .)" Bitch are you trying to kill us!!!!"(Sam Shouts at Ava. Soon enough they arrived at school and did some learning. School was out and Ava have to take Sam and Jung back home . In the car ride everyone was quite. No one made a noise, it was so quiet Sam could hear himself blink !!! Ava drops off Sam and Jung to their house and she leaves without saying anything,Sam knew she was still mad ASF!) "Sooooo Jung you and Ava huh..... What! What are you talking about?Ava told me you kissed her ! Yesterday!"(Jung ignores Sam's words and quickly goes upstairs to his room while Sam is following him asking questions. Jung got really annoyed by this so he thought he should tell Sam .("UuGGhHhh! Do you ever stop talking Sam! Jung you kissed my bff,how am I supposed to move on when you haven't told her why !!! Okay Sam you wanna know why? Why!Jung tell me please,I really want to know!!!"( The atmosphere was so tense when they started arguing about Ava , Jung couldn't take it no more so he told Sam the truth.)"Sam, on my way here I saw Ava walking alone and she looked like she just came out from the ice -cream shop because she had two Ice -creams and from the looks of it the other ice -cream was yours and she was coming to your house. When I saw her I also saw a man following her and from the looks of it if I wasn't there Ava would have been assaulted or worse . So I had to think of what to do so I went in and kissed her to make that man following her to think that she has a boyfriend!! Now is that all the truth you needed!"(Sam looks at Jung with eyes full of tears .)"Jung why didn't you tell Ava about this! Sam you know how Ava is ,if she hears about this,she will never be the same again or she wouldn't go outside or go to school or even go to you because your her only friend that's a boy and what will she think about that .....she will remember the day she almost got assaulted by a stranger!!!!!"(Sam bursts into tears) Jung, Ju-ng , Jung why would you even jerk off that night after a horrific incident!!!! Oh , my Gooooodddd! Sam ! I was lying okay I never jerk off and since you want the truth I'll give you the truth!! I'm sick Sam ! I'm sick and my doctor's don't know the cause of my sickness so I take pills every single day!!!!"(Sam gives Jung a hug and they both cry in the hall way .) Jung I ,I never knew about this, why didn't you tell me. Sam if I told you ,you would have been thinking the worst out my sickness. I don't want anyone to know about this okay! Not even Ajumma!!!(Sam nods his head yes. After that confession party the boys went to their rooms with a heavy heart ,not knowing what to do for the next day.)

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