♡♡ Chap 1 // Rejected Pt. 1 ♡♡

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"Everything is going to be fine .... everything is going to be fine ..." Chase repeats to himself.
Today is a big day for the second leader of the Paw Patrol. He will declare his love to the team's cockapoo.
It's afternoon and Chase decided to tell her at evening. After all, why would Skye reject Chase? Even though he's a little shy, Chase has confidence in him, he knows he has lots of qualities in him. And why should a girl reject him? He is the most muscular and one of the most handsome pups. Skye made this clear to Chase by snuggling up to him on Friendship Day. Skye also reminded Chase that he is a very good second leader the day they became the Mighty Pups.
Since then, Chase has no doubts. Skye loves him. He is still a little shy to reveal this big secret to his crush.
The hours pass quickly, and evening is approaching. Chase gestures for Marshall to bring Skye to the cop's puphouse.
Chase is working on his voice by the time Skye arrives.
"So yeah. I've been loving you for a while. We should be a couple," the German Shepherd repeats in his mind.
After seconds of waiting, Skye is in front of Chase's puphouse, in deep confusion over what Chase could tell her that was so secret. Marshall winks at the cockapoo without saying a word to her. Chase opens his door and invites his "future girlfriend" to his puphouse. After greeting her and making her comfortable, Chase begins his speech.

Chase: Look. I have felt a strong attraction to you for a long time. I love you so much that I consider you above everyone else. Above Marshall, Rubble and even Ryder.

Skye continues to listen to all the words coming out of Chase's mouth and she starts talking too.

Skye: Awwh Chase .... I'm really impressed that you love me so much. Me too, since you saved me a few years ago, I see you as a hero every day!

With a breath preceded by 3 words, Chase declares: "I love you Skye".
Skye lets see a big smile on her beautiful face: "I love you too Chase".

Chase smiles triumphantly. He knew that Skye loves him. Having driven all his shyness away, he can talk to Skye as if she was his girlfriend.

Chase: Now that we both know this, we should speed things up. Even if you will accept, I prefer to ask you like a gentleman pup, Skye, do you want to be my girlfriend?

Skye: Girlfriend? Chase? What are you talking about ?

Skye's smile is completely gone. Instead, a confused smile with worrying eyes loomed over her face. Skye tries to remember the previous seconds. Did she mishear something? Chase speaks.

Chase: You just told me that you love me. So, should we be a couple?

Skye: Ah .... but Chase. I thought you loved me in another way?

Chase: What?

Skye: I love you like a best friend, or a brother. Not like you love me ...

Chase is then plunged into a deep sadness.

Chase: Are you kidding?

Skye: No Chase.

Chase: But Skye! I even thought about names for our future children.

Skye: I'm sorry. But I don't want to have kids with you, Chase. You are just a brother. Now, if you allow it, can I go?

Chase nods. Skye leaves Chase's puphouse, doing little jumps. Chase, made his decision. He'll just need a knife that he's going to steal from the kitchen, and his vehicle to get as far as possible from here.


The next day, a cool day begins in Adventure Bay. Skye, coming out of her puphouse notices that all the pups are sleeping.
"Why didn't Chase wake us up?" she said to herself, confused and worried.
She walks over to Chase's puphouse but to her surprise, the puphouse isn't there! Quick ! She runs to Ryder and warns him.
Ryder checks and calls Chase on his puptag but receives no response.

Ryder: This mission sounds like a serious one. Paw Patrol! To the lookout!

The pups come out of their puphouses yawning.

All the pups: Ryder needs us!

The pups head for the elevator but Marshall bumps into Rubble who falls all the pups down. A toy in the shape of a bandage covers Rubble's eyes.

Rubble: Who turned off the light?

Marshall: Oops! Next time I should turn the light on.

The pups laugh and the elevator goes up. When they arrive, Skye is already in front of Ryder with a very different face. She's no longer smiling as we know her.

Marshall: Umm ... Chase is missing.

Ryder: Thanks for coming. Chase disappeared with his vehicle. And we don't know the reason. He may have run away.

All the pups give a gasp of surprise.

Rubble: But Chase is our leader after you.

Skye: Ryder .... I think I know the reason. Yesterday, Chase and I had a private conversation about our romantic feelings. And I think my words hurted him. It's my fault Ryder! I blame myself so much!

At this point, Skye has tears in her eyes. She's ready to cry.

Ryder: Don't worry Skye. It's not your fault. I would need everyone. Go around the city and look for Chase. I would also need ... Everest!

Everest appears on the giant screen.

Everest: Hi Ryder. Hi friends ! What's up?

Marshall: Everest !!

Ryder: Chase is missing and we need to find him. Everest, search in the mountain.

Everest: Ice or snow, I'm ready to go!

Ryder: Alright! The Paw Patrol is on a roll!

The pups bark as Ryder go. Then, each pup goes down the slide to reach the vehicle. Skye is the first to go down, Skye who usually lets the others before her.
Once everyone has left, the mission begins.

Several minutes later, in a forest in a town called Foggy Bottom, Chase gets out of his vehicle and picks up the kitchen knife he took that night. He walks away from his police truck, and looks skyward.
"The Paw Patrol is much better without me." he says to himself.
"Skye will be very happy." he adds.
He closes his eyes and thinks about all the memories he has had with Skye, Ryder, Marshall and the others.
Tears of sadness run down his cold cheeks. He's finally ready. He strokes the knife and then holds it firmly in his paw, squeezing hard. But suddenly, a small animal launches at the German Shepherd, hitting him while crying.
Chase opens his eyes and sees Skye red with anger but also with a face completely wet with tears.
"Fool !! HOW DARE YOU !? I HATE YOU !!" It's the first time Skye has said such words to someone.
After several hits, Skye puts her arms around Chase's neck and an endless hug begins.

Skye: Why Chase !? Why !

Ryder and the pups come the next minute and see the two pups in a hug.

Marshall: We should give them some time, Ryder.

Ryder approves and imagines what they will do if Skye has arrived a little later.
After this painful event, all the pups are at the lookout.

Chase: Umm ... Skye? You are right. I can't decide your fate. I am sorry.

Skye: I'm glad you understood. But that doesn't prevent me from calling you brother.

Skye snuggled up to Chase while giving him "never do it again" eyes.

Rocky: A very good sibling relationship is formed between these two.

Ryder: Chase, you tried something very dangerous and serious. Never again, you have to do this. Never.

"I'm sorry Ryder," Chase said lowering his ears.

A Moto Pup in Love (Chase x Gasket)Where stories live. Discover now