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Imagen having to join some illegal shit to pay bills and feed the poeple you care about,well here i am fress out of college went to study to become therapist but had bills to pay so i had to find a new way to do that.

I couldnt find any place that was hiring like i coffe shop. So i used other methodes i found work being a bodyguard for rich and famous people and found it fun. So after graduating i looked for work similair and where did i and up right here where im standing now infront of one of the top mafia bases in Japan.

Yes i know "your supposed to be a therapist Shou" well all i have to say is no screw you and everybody else. Though i did gain som mind manipulation tricks so that was helpfull in the long run i guess. I also learnt combat in all things ;guns,knives,hand to hand; from being bodyguard it was fun but gosh was i tortured for a fricking month just to learn the basics.

Im beter now tho i got top in the class the exams of our skills at the end so i was proud of myself

And you may be thinking if your so good why didnt you keep being a bodyguard well you see ones the celebritys that where really popular so me i was to 'cute' or 'short' to be able to do real damage or protect them. So i was like screw you too and left the agency and couldnt join any other agencies for the same reasons the not so well know celebs didnt pay enough for me so i left there to.

I looked for some work similair and found that a mafia group was looking for new recruits so my smart ass was like 'why not'.

So here i am like you know infront of a big door labelled '𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚜' ('The crows' for those you cant read fonts).

I opened the doors and was greeted by a sweet girl with blond hair. "Hello sir you are Hinata Shouyo if i am correct you are the last one to arrive please follow me." She said her voice was soft and kind but you could tell she was dangerous.

I smiled her my smile that everyone called 'The sun smile'. She smiled back and began walking as I followed behind her looking at the base of the crows as they where called. Im suprised that almost nothing was white. The walls where painted a dark grey almost black colour the floor was a nice blacked tilled floor,the walls where not really decorated one or two paintings here and there but my favourite painting so far was a beautiful  one of flying crows by the oceans side with a sunset at the back of it,it was a nice mix of orange pink and black.

We kept walking  until we where infront of another big ass door do giants live here or some shit.

She opened the door and i walked in and thanked her for leading me here. She said it was her pleasure and closed the doors again leaving me alone i walked forward and moved forward queitly it seems no one has noticed me even if the door was loud. I walked up to a man with white greyish hair and patted him on the shoulder he was surprised pulled out a knife and swung it my way I ducked and slightly squirmed from almost being hit with a knife.

The man looked down at me and his eyes turned from their fearfull mood to a softer confused one."What are you doing here little guy did you wonder in here with yachi did she let you in." He asked me. My mood changed from scared to just plain annoyed while i was still on the ground and took my foot and nokked him of his so he landed on his ass right infront of me i looked him in his eyes "No sir i didnt wonder here im one of the new recruits or maybe the only one." I said giving him an annoyed smile. I stood up dusted myself of and helped him up ones he was on his feet i looked around and only then did i notice the other people in the room where looking at us.

The man that i nokked down a moment ago looked at me and said " Youre pretty strong for someone your  size no offence. Im sugawara koushi by the way nice to meet you." He smiled at me and put his hand out so i could shake it.

I took his hand in my firm hand well at least I think it was firm i couldnt really focus i was staring at the mans amazing brown eyes and his oh so sweet smile "Hinata Shouyo. Im Hinata Shouyo." Smiled at him.

Someone coughed and both of us looked who it was it was i man about the same height as sugawara hewas bold tho but wasnt bad looking at all he was also ripped but not the scary kind the kind where they where the kind that looked safe that you could fall asleep in.

You looked mad but then a big smile made it self a cross his face "That was fucking awesome little dude!!" He shouted. I smiled at him and then giggled with out noticing "Well thank you umm.." " Tanaka Ryunosuke or Ryu or you can call me anything you would like." He said moving closer patting my head when he was close enough.

"So you are the new recruit.." A man that had short brown hair said he walked closer to where sugawara,tanaka and I here standing he shook my hand "Hello Hinata,Im Daichi sawamura i am the leader of the group,but I am not the boss Im only the leader The Boss will be here shortly to begin you and the other recruites try outs if i can say it like that." He said letting go of my hand and pointing at what i assume was the rest of the recruits. So i took that as a sign to go and stand by them but just as i went Tanka and Sugawara said goodbye and that we would talk later like they where certain that i would make it into the group.

I walked to the rest of the rectuits they didnt look that bad but didnt look like anything special either. So I wasnt intimidated but I was exited for what the 'try outs' would be like.

Just as i was in thought the door opened again revealing a man with blond dyed or bleached hair. He stood  infront of all of us he eyed all of us like we where mere rats that just climbed out a sewer.

"Alright you magets your 'try outs" like we like to call is about to start all phones stay here for save keeping or if you would like to take it with you please do but dont blame me if it breaks k." We all nodded not wanting to say anything to this god looking man. 

"Good,lets start...."

word count : 1218

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