Bloodlust: Mileena

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Kitana: Hurry! Get the weapons ready!

(The outworld army is scrambling to make sure their makeshift cannons are ready, but then Sindel, Shao Khan, and Mileena board the ship with some shokans)

(Kitana opens her fan blades and points it at the shokans as the two armies clash)

(Mileena uses her sais to stab an outworld soldier and bite his neck open)

(Mileena then takes a few soldiers down with hand to hand combat before she gets lifted into the air and slammed into a wall by magic)

(Mileena groans and gets up)

Ermac: Your capabilities pale before the many, Mileena

Mileena: You? Superior to me?

(Mileena laughs)

Mileena: Keep dreaming, Ermac

(Mileena fights Ermac. Ermac's soul magic is definitely a challenge for Mileena, but he savage bloodlust is able to tank it and bring down Ermac)

Mileena: Hmph. Far too rotten to taste

(As the battle rages on, Mileena tears through the outworld soldiers with terrifying ease)

Baraka: RARGH!

(Baraka charges at Mileena with his blades, but she flips over him)

(They both fight hand to hand briefly before Mileena kicks Baraka, sending him skidding)

Baraka: Submit, Mileena! The tarkatans are allied with Kitana Khan!

(Mileena rolls her eyes)

Mileena: I am not affiliated with you savages! I am more Edenian than tarkatan. My loyalty lies with Kronika

Baraka: A fatal mistake, half-blood

(Mileena fights Baraka and takes advantage of her half blood status to pull off moves that normal tarkatans can't in order to take down Baraka)

Mileena: My mixed blood is what makes me superior

(Meanwhile, Sindel and Shao Khan are occupied with fighting the outworld army)

Sindel: Husband, try a little harder, will you?

Shao Khan: I'd like to see you do better!

(A bunch of shokans get torn up by flying bullets, soaking a lot of the ship's deck red with shokan blood)

(Erron Black comes out with his revolvers and starts firing them at Mileena)

(Mileena flips and twists to avoid all the bullets, then she punches Erron Black in the face)

Erron Black: So there she is. The mighty Mileena

Mileena: Is that jealousy I hear, Erron Black?

Erron Black: You would not believe the bounty Kitana Khan has on your head

(Erron Black reloads his revolvers)

Erron Black: And I'm cashing you in

(Erron Black throws a jar of zaterran acid at Mileena, who ducks under it, only to catch a drop-kick from him)

(Mileena and Erron Black start to exchange punches, but Erron Black headbutts Mileena)

(Mileena spin kicks Erron Black)

Erron Black: Good thing I got my stomping boots on

Mileena: I'll cut your legs off with your feet still in them!

(Mileena fights Errron Black. And as usual, Erron Black is untouchable at a distance, but as soon as Mileena closes the gap, it's over)

Mileena: Go back to throwing horseshoes, cowboy

(Mileena eyes Erron Black up and down)

Mileena: You will make a suitable meal

(Mileena is about to eat Erron Black, but she gets tackled by Reptile)

(Mileena uses both of her legs to kick Reptile off of herself)

(Reptile spits an acid ball at Mileena, who counters it with a magic ball)

Reptile: (Unintelligible Reptile noises)

Mileena: Your skin will make fine boots

(Mileena fights Reptile. Both fighters are agile and rely on their primal instincts, but the powers Shao Khan has given Mileena give her the edge in the fight, and she defeats Reptile)

Mileena: You are no match for the true heir to outworld's throne!

(Mileena closes her eyes for a moment and listens)

Mileena: There you are...

(Mileena runs at Kitana, but she gets hit by a blast of water)

Rain: Well?

Kitana: Help the others. I'll handle this

(Rain runs off to help the outworld army)

Kitana: We meet again, "sister"

(Mileena and Kitana both draw their weapons)

Mileena: And it will be for the last time, pretender

(Mileena and Kitana face off before they start fighting with their blades)

Rain: Time to make it rain

(Rain traps Sindel in a water ball and throws her into some shokans)

(Shao Khan tries to hit Rain with his hammer, but he turns into water and it goes right through him)

(Rain uppercuts Shao Khan and hits him with some lightning)

(A wave of shokans run at Rain, but he summons a wave to sweep them into the sea of blood)

(Sindel screams at Rain, sending him crashing into the lower deck)

(Kitana kicks Mileena, but Mileena slices Kitana's cheek with her sai)

(They both charge at each other and start hitting each other with a flurry of slashes)

(All cut up, Kitana is getting weaker, so Mileena tries to stab her with a sai)

(Kitana grabs the sai and tries to push it away, but Mileena keeps pushing it closer and closer to her neck)

(Before she can kill Kitana, Rain comes up behind Mileena and impales her with a blade made of water)

Rain: Drowning, are you?

(Rain drops Mileena's body and helps Kitana up)

Kitana: You saved me?

Rain: If I am to defeat Kronika, I'll need your help

(Rain and Kitana rush up to the deck to find Sindel and Shao Khan waiting for them with their shokans)

(The outworld army is either captured or dead)

Shao Khan: There she is!

Sindel: Deal with the little prince. I'll discipline Kitana

(Shao Khan and Sindel start fighting Rain and Kitana)

(Kitana and Rain put up a good fight, but in the end, Sindel and Shao Khan use teamwork to defeat them both of them)

Shao Khan: This little rebellion has been quashed. Now, where is Mileena?

Sindel: (Silently points to lower deck with trembling finger)

(Shao Khan and Sindel look down and see Mileena's dead body)

Shao Khan: Line them up! Heads will roll this day!

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