always with you forever

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So guys this thought came to my mind after seeing last night's episode.

I know fateh and tejo are fine after the accident but I decided to write a os on what would happen if tejo got hurt during this accident so here it is.



Fateh and Tejo were driving to tejo's college on fateh's bike.

They were Happily laughing and talking.

"Tejo,I will come during your lunch break.Let's go out okay?"Fateh asked

"Haa fine but aren't we eating too much of outside food these days?"Tejo asked with a smile.

"Tejo come on, don't say that!Let's just enjoy and go out!"He said

"Haa haa fine! Don't be late okay?Come on time!"Tejo said.

"Ok Ok!"He said and laughed.

Jasmine who was coming in the opposite direction driving gippy's car along with Gippy saw Fateh and Tejo.

Seeing them that happy she felt so jealous and angry.

"Tejo took everything from me..that is my place.."Jasmine said looking at them while driving.

"What?Did you say something?"Gippy asked.

"No.."She said and started driving the car fastly.

As she went fast Gippy looked at her.

"Jasmine!Slow the car!"He said but she didn't listen.

Fateh also didn't notice that the car was coming as he was talking with tejo.

Then tejo noticed a car coming speedily towards them as they were about to cross the road.

"Fateh!"She shouted but it was too late.

The car has hit their bike and both fateh and tejo fell down on the road.


"Jasmine what the hell!!What did you do?!"Gippy shouted at her and she realised what she did.

Gippy quickly got out of the car and rushed towards fateh.

"Bro are you okay..?"He asked helping fateh to stand up.

"Yeah..I am..fine..wait..Tejo?!"Fateh asked and turned around.

He was shocked to core when he saw tejo lying their unconscious.

"Tejo!!"He shouted and rushed towards her.

Jasmine got out of the car and came stood besides Gippy.

"Tejo!Wake up!Tejo!!"He shouted taking her into his arms and that was when he saw blood on her forehead.
Then fateh saw a rock besides her with blood.

" wake up!"He cried patting on her cheek continuously praying she will wake up but she didn't.

"Let's take her to the hospital!"Gippy said and fateh picked her up in his arms.

Fateh got in the back seat with tejo and Gippy sat in the driver's seat.

"Jasmine get in!"Gippy said but she was not saying anything.

"Just go!!"Fateh shouted.

Gippy did as he was said and they left leaving jasmine behind.

"Tejo..I am don't worry,
Nothing will happen to you.I am here naa?Wake up tejo please.."Fateh cried watching his unconscious wife.

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