Chapter 1

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"Andrew, can you do me a favor?" my mom asked from the kitchen.

I sighed, frustrated, I had so much studying to do with the finals coming up and all and I was stressed since my mom and step dad decided to move out here after my dad died. Everything is just...messed up right now.

"Why not?" I said to myself, getting up and walking downstairs to the kitchen.

My mom stood, looking at the ingredients on the counter with a puzzled look and her eyebrows pulled together.

"Yeah?" I asked and she snapped out of her thinking position.

"Oh, could you go down to the store and get these for me?" she handed me a small yellow slip with ingredients that she was missing.

I sighed and looked at her, "In the middle of the night?"

She scoffed, "its only 6:00, now just go you cry baby." and hit my rear towards the door.

"Jeez that child." my mom said quietly to herself but intending for me to hear it as I got my coat and shoes on.

"If I don't come back in 30 minutes, just assume I am dead." I teased as I made my way to the door.

"Oh, quit being a such a drama queen, nothing happens in the small town of Hellings." she said.

"Just assume I said." I told her as I shut the door.

Ha, Hellings! Just take out the 'ings' and it spells 'Hell'; oh nothing happens in the town of Hell. I rolled my eyes, ironic.

I started walking through the dark night, the moon glowing on the cold earth. My breath was like frost as I shivered, walking fast down the three blocks, I made my way to the small convenience store. I tried to avoid the dark allies and shadows along the way, I wasn't one for the dark or horror movies for that matter. They give me nightmares.

I walked into the store, patting down my shoes on the rug. A melody played throughout the store, sounding almost like creepy elevator music. An young man, a bit older than me, sat at the cash register chewing gum carelessly and had a lot of piercings, a go-T and long hair in a pony tail while reading a magazine. Ewww.

I took off my hood and made my way towards the back taking out the yellow slip.






I rolled my eyes on the last one, such a drunk. I grabbed a carton of eggs, milk, bread and vanilla but i had trouble on finding the whiskey. I shouldn't buy her any damn whiskey, she didn't need it.

I looked around but still couldn't find it, so I went up to the creepy guy at the cash register and asked, "Where is the alcohol beverages at?"

He didn't even look at me, he just said irritable, "In the way back."

"Thanks." I said and headed back there fast, i wanted to get home and get studying and go to bed. I was exhausted.

I dug around, looking for a familiar whiskey bottle that my mom usually brought home. Which one?

Suddenly, I heard thick footsteps hitting the tile ground, coming around the corner sending shivers down my spine. I glanced in the corner of my eye when the steps stopped. And i almost gasped aloud.

From head to toe, he was a god. He had thick muscular arms, he wore a tight shirt with a 6 pack, he had god like features, his hair brown and short, and he had a nice butt.

Oh god Andrew, quit looking he might be some creep. Some sexy creep.

I shock my head and glanced away, just grabbing a bottle from the cabinet not caring what type it was and started heading to the register.

"Hey excuse me miss." god, that voice so deep, so seductive, soo....ahhh.

I turned slowly and looked into mysterious sexy dangerous eyes. "Yes?"

He smiled, almost making me shake, "Umm do you happen to know where the vodka is? This store is very unorganized if you tell me."

"Oh, uh yeah had, umm." I walked up to him acting like I knew what I was doing, hoping I knew what I was doing. I searched for the vodka my step dad used, because I didn't know any another.

I felt his breath blowing down my neck, making goosebumps on me. Oh god please no more.

Then, like a miracle, i found a familiar bottle hiding behind others.

"Ah, ha." I reached back and grabbed it.

"Here you go?" I handed it to him, brushing his hand against my softly making me shiver once more.

"Ah, thank you." he said and stared at me for a long period of time.

I had to snap myself out of it and walk away to the register; man the guy was sexy, but he was older, a drinker, and probably just some rapist.

I put my stuff on the counter and waited for the guy to finish checking all myself out all of my groceries.

"Okay, so that would be $28.54 ple....." then he looked up at me an smirk.

"Well hello, who are you?" he said flirty. Eww

"No one you need to know." I said, handing him $30, "Keep the change." grabbing bags. But he grabbed my hand.

"Hey where's the fire?" he asked, pulling me back to him.

His breath smelled of weed, and it scared me. Oh god please don't rape me.

"Leave me alone." I said but he just laughed.

"How about you and me in the back, now?" he asked leaning towards me.

"No." I said, but he must've been a guy that doesn't take no for an answer.

His lips were almost on my neck when I got tired of it, "I said no." i growled and kneed him in the balls.

He cried out in pain and I backed up as he fell. I heard a deep dark chuckle and I noticed the sexy god man watching me, leaning against one of the shelves.

"You bitch." the man moaned at me, making the sexy god send glares at him.

I clenched my bags and just booked it, running out the door and practically sprinting through the cold night. I slowed down after one block and just walked, taking deep breaths.

"Oh god, oh dear lord." I gasped. I almost got raped! I knew it was a bad town.

What if....suddenly i heard shots from behind me. I turned and stopped dead in my tracks, looking at the lights shining from inside the store. Shots? From inside the store? My heart started pounding and I turned back around and started walking fast.

"Oh lord, oh fuck me." I cursed over and over again. What if someone knew I heard the shot, and were going to try to kill me?

Suddenly, I heard the rumbling of a car from behind me and nearing me. As it started coming closer I started to run. It came closer and closer and I screamed, "no, mom!" maybe should would hear me, even though i was two blocks away.

Then it passed me; nothing was chasing me? I was okay? Oh thank you god.

As I turned the corner after the third block, I saw the lights of my house; I already felt the warmth of my bed, the food in my stomach and and the lucid taste of.....

A hand wrapped around my mouth and waist; I screamed and struggled to get out, but nothing worked. A rag soaked in alcohol pressed against my nose, forcing me to breath in the fragrance. Making me drowsy.

And soon asleep; easy to get, fragile. I was kidnapped.

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