Chapter 2

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I felt cold, and wet when my eyes slowly fluttered open. A loud rumbling sound of water hitting water roughly was the only sound i heard. I shock my head as I felt droplets of water fall onto me. I looked around and saw that I was in a shower, the curtains were a red plad, checkered and the shower walls looked old.

The water hit me hard, almost like thorns were scratching against my skin; and it was freezing, freezing! I shock and tried to move away but I couldn't. My feet and hands were bounded together, tightly, by rope. I continued to struggle, hoping to maybe loosen the ropes; no luck.

So, out of panic, what does a lady usually do? Yup.

"HELP!!" i screamed at the top of my lungs, "SOMEBODY, HELP ME!!!

Suddenly I heard the creak of the bathroom door open and a big thick shadow shown through the curtains. He was tall, he was muscular, Wow, i am really messed up...and I'm only observing a shadow.

A large hand reached through the curtains, taking hold of the knob and turning off the water. There was a tattoo that had very visible black ink and it was thick, sharp lines that went from the connection of his index finger and his thumb and down to a little past his wrist. There was something dry and red stuck in his arm hairs, I couldn't see what it was though.

He pulled his hand out and...left. LEFT!?

"Hey." i exclaimed, not getting an answer i yelled, "HEY!!!" just a bit louder.

He came back in, pausing for a moment at the door then stomping over and pulling back the curtain. My jaw dropped, and everything came rushing back.

I had almost gotten raped but some hippie, then the gun shots, me panicking and the rag of alcohol. I was kidnapped.

And he was my kidnapper.

"You......" I started but he pulled out a bandanna an shoved it into my mouth and tieing it back around my head tightly.

He started to reach for me then looked down at his hands and shirt, making me follow his eyes. My heart pounded harder, and I was very, very afraid.

Blood..everywhere. On his white shirt it stained deeply, splattered all over his pants, and made his hands dirty.

He smirked, "I don't think you would want to get dirty after you just took a shower, now." he walked to the sink and washed his hands.

I murmured, trying to scream against the bandanna. He just chuckled and shock his head.

He slipped off his shirt, revealing a large tattoo that covered his left side of his chest and abs and down his left side of his back. It had similar marks to his hand, thick with black ink and sharp edged.

He kneed down and smiled as I continued to scream and gibber jabber against the bandanna.

"You have to say something?" he asked, lifting his dark eyebrow.

I nodded fiercely, angry exploding from me and fear as well.

"Now, I'll make you a deal. If you don't scream, i won't kill you and I'll let you say your word." he said.

I paused, then nodded. He doesn't know that I will indeed scream after he takes it off though, mwhaha. He grabbed hold of the bandanna but before taking it out of my mouth, he pulls a very large and sharp blade out of his pocket.

He saw my reaction and smiled, "Just in case." then took it out.

Well shit.

"I can't believe I ever thought you were cute." I spat at him, that's all I could come up with.

He laughed aloud, tears slipping from his green Hazel emerald eyes, "Oh sweet heart, what's changed?"

I just glared at him, but I needed to know, "Why? Why me?"

"You? Oh love, you just had to come at the wrong place at the wrong time. And you know, I knew you weren't far and you heard the bullet just blow that man's brains against the walls so i had to take you. You would've been a ticking time bomb for me." he said, smiling.

"Then why, why keep me alive?" I asked, not necessary wanting to die though.

"Why? You wanna die?" he asked, showing his blade.

I shock my head.

He chuckled, "Well, I guess I just wanted something to play with for a while."

The first word that came to my mind was Rape. I felt horrified and spat out in fear, "Please don't rape me."  I pushed myself up further against the wall to get away from him, but it was slippery so I just slid back down.

"Oh no, I don't take woman virginity unless they want me to." he said, then he smiled, "But that could change."

"Who are you?" I asked shakily.

"Kaden Marshals." He smiled, and I froze.

That name had been all over the news a few weeks ago. A man of mass murder, a really killer, and was always escaping.

He glanced at the clock and turned back to me with a smile, "Well, I'm sorry love but I have to cut our date short for tonight. But we always have tomorrow." he reached over, grabbing my chin and placing a rough kiss onto my cheek and threw me back down, and putting the bandanna on my mouth once again.

"You have a nice evening, Andrew." he said as he turned off the lights, shutting the door.

He knew my name, how? I didn't have anything with me that could've possibly given him my identity.

I started crying in the dark; I might never make it out of here...alive at least. I will never see my mother again, i could give less a shit about my step dad though. I will never put flowers on my fathers grave and never see life again. And for some reason....I was completely okay with that.

Who knew that this could be such a small world? One moment, I go to the store, spot someone that I might be interested in, even though he was older and a drinker, and he end ups being a killer and my kidnapper.

And possibly, my murderer.

Sorry, short chapter I know:( but please comment, vote and fan!!

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