Chapter 32 - Kiss Cam

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I felt a warm hand laced around my fingers and when I looked up, I met his piercing blue eyes. Ashton flashed me a smile and nudged me, motioning me to walk with him side by side.

"Any problem?" He asked, staring at Victoria's retreating form.

I shook my head.

"I saw you leaving my house that evening. I called you out that time but you weren't answering me. I assumed you saw her kissing me. I didn't initiate it. She did. Anyhow, I know that was wrong so I pushed her. She was in my house to collect her things."

"You don't have to explain, Ashton."

"I know. But you ought to know." He scratched the back of his neck, feeling shy. "I don't want to confused your feelings and doubt my intentions for you. I don't like to give you false signals. I don't want you to question your worth."

"You don't like me to have false signals then why you didn't answer my calls?" I pouted.

"I did." He replied. "It was you who were screening my calls." Ashton teasingly tap my nose.

He then gently tucked the tendrils off my face and planted a kiss on my forehead. I smiled. How can I be mad with this sweet guy in front of me?

"Peace be with you, my love." He whispered.

"My love?" I laughed. "And also with you."

We were HHWW, you know holding hands while walking, towards the gymnasium. Others would give us glances on our intertwined fingers and I could see them murmuring but I care less. I am happy.

Go and fuck yourself, bitches.

When we entered the gym, the crowd was in high spirit when our team, Phillip shots three points. Phillip and Steve are playing for the basketball against Roosevelt High. The basketball was already in the second half of the game. Our school is on the leading with 9 points with the score of 60-51.

We found an empty seats in the middle of the bench. My heart jumped with anticipation every time our team scores and curses under my breath when the other team shots. However I couldn't fully focus on the game as the girls next to ours are ogling at the sight of Ashton. I rolled my eyes. If only he wasn't attractive enough, girls wouldn't look at him with eyes that can eat him whole.

As much as I know, they are undressing him at the back of their heads. My brows shot higher than my forehead when the girl bit her lower lip and winked at him; the other tugged down her off-shie and pulled her hair at her side, revealing her bare shoulders and chest. What the actual fudge? Seriously these girls are... different. Unfortunately for them I have to mark my territory. I wrapped my arms around Ashton's waist, drawing him close to me even more, giving them a sarcastic smile.

I heard him chuckle and I looked at him. He stared at me with an amused smile. He removed my hand off his waist and my shoulder hunched down in disappointment. But to my utter surprise, he draw my hand up to his lips, giving it a soft kiss. I couldn't hide the smirk on my face.

"As much as I want your arm snaked around my waist, you have to keep up the show better, moo." Ashton whispered in my ear. Dear ford, I think I'll die in a heart attack. Even his voice is sexy.

Suddenly, the crowd gone wild and I heard the word 'kiss' 'kiss' resonates the center. I looked around and countless of eyes are staring us-- anticipating. My eyes widen when I realize Ashton and I are on the spotlight. Oh shoot, a kiss cam!

"We're on spot." He murmured, his fresh breath fanning my face. I feel like my heart is going to explode when he slowly tilt my chin up, his lips centimeters away.

"We can't let them down, can we?" He asked, caressing my cheek. All the hair at the back of my neck rose when he couldn't stop staring at my lips. "No, we can't." I breathed.

In a swift move, he closed the gap between our lips. My eyes fluttered shut as his soft lips sync with mine. I was indulged in our own world I was not minding the people around us. As we pulled out, we're both breathless. Ashton grinned at me and pulls me into a hug.


The game ended and I jammed myself out of the throng bodies. Ashton excused himself to meet with his mates. I was hesitant of him leaving me but he asserts of meeting me back. Who am I to hold him back? As I saw Phillip outside the gymnasium, I called him out and give him a wave.

"Nice game." I complimented him.

"Yeah. Nice kiss."  He winked. My cheeks turning red with the thought, he teasingly ruffled my hair and he chuckled when I swatted his hand away.

"Our duckling is finally a swan." He added.

"And ready to float on the lake."

"And ready to dive head first with his mate." He laughed.

We were peeving each other as we found our way to cafeteria. My laughter died down in my throat as Phillip grabbed my wrist, pulling me into a halt . I looked at him and my gaze moved to the direction he was staring. It was Steve soothing Mia's back at the corner of the hall.

Mia is crying.

Oh good god, she probably saw the kiss! A feeling of guilt wave at the pit of my gut when Mia looked up, her eyes bloodshot and her mascara ran down her face. Dang, she looked broken.

"Here, take this." Phillip tendered a handkerchief the moment we reach them.

Mia gladly took it and mumbled a small thanks. Steve stood up and walked beside me. "She wouldn't tell me what's wrong." He mumbled, his eyes brimmed with worry. "Maybe you could help?" My heart picked up its pace when the boys flashed me an encouraging smile, patted my back and  leave. Oh boys, really-- I couldn't do it alone!

I heaved a deep breath. Here's my moment of truth. I am now ready to officially accept her wrath. It was my downright fault as to why she's bawling her eyes out. I sat down next to her.

"Mia, I'm sorry." I started, I clasped my hand on my lap to refrain it from shaking. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Why does everyone loves to take what I think is mine?" Mia replied, her voice cracked at the end. "I don't want to compete with anyone because I know I'll never win. I know at the end the people I like will never pick me, Anna. They never did."

I didn't realize I was now crying with her. I pulled her and engulfed her in my arms. My heart squeezes in tight as I felt her pain. I know what it feels like. The feeling of not being chosen.

I pulled out from the hug and wiped her tears. "I am sorry. I have no courage to tell you the truth. I tried to buried my feelings for him. But the deeper I dig, the bigger it grows."

"My feelings have nothing to do with you, Anna." Mia flashed me a smile. A sad smile. "I am happy to see that you are happy with him. I just hope he won't hurt you or else I'll rip his head off. Top and bottom."

"Stop lying. If you are happy then why were you crying?"

"I am not crying over Ashton. I was over him."  She looked past me and I craned my neck to peered at the people behind me. My brows knitted together in confusion when I saw no one but Brett. I gasped. It dawn on me. It was Brett with someone else .

"I was crying because of him." Mia breathed out, "I think I like Brett, Anna."

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