One: Plan Ahead.

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Chapter One : Plan Ahead.

Pack your bag the night before and leave it at the front door. Set your alarm to ring fifteen minutes earlier than necessary. Doing these things will give you more time to focus on other important things like getting ready and eating breakfast.

I frowned at the book on my lap. This was useless. A bunch of suggestions that everyone knows is good for you but no one actually follows. Like flossing or going to the gym.

Does this book sell well? Who even buys this stuff? Other than my parents. The only reason that I was reading this was because my parents wanted me to. Here Jenna. This will help you get through high school. Forget studying for Monday's test, focus on reading this piece of nonsense probably written by a crusty old man living in his mom's basement. 

You might ask me why I'm actually reading it. Why not just lie to my parents? It's what everyone else does, right? Wrong. I can't lie to them. I'm rubbish at that. I'll turn red in the face and stammer until I'm eventually forced to admit the truth. 

I glanced at the book again and shut it. This should be enough for today. I have more important things to do, like debate the pronunciation of gif on tumblr and fangirl over AmazingPhil's new video. Very essential. Definitely making use of the last day before I enter high school.


15 hours later and I'm running past the kitchen, trying to pull on my jacket with one hand whilst holding my open backpack with the other, desperately hoping that I wouldn't be late for the first day of high school. I heard the faint voice of my mother as I slammed the door shut, probably telling me I forgot my lunch money. Unfortunately, even if I did, I had no time to go back and get it.

 I wonder what people thought of me then. Crazy girl, probably homeless. Must be running from a crime scene. I wouldn't judge anyone if that's what they thought. I hadn't combed my hair yet and I wasn't quite sure what I was wearing. I zipped my bag close taking the right that led me to school and possibly detention.

I could almost hear the book taunting me from back home. You should have checked your alarm, Jenna! You wouldn't be in this mess now if you had listened to me! Yeah, shut up, book. I get it. you're all powerful. I'll consider listening to what you say next time, okay?

As I ran through the doors, I tried my best to make my hair look more socially acceptable. I figured the bell had rung because there was no one in the corridors. Our school had a basic orientation two days prior so I knew where homeroom was. I burst through the door. That makes me sound like a kick-ass FBI agent but trust me, that's not how it went down. 

"Sorry I'm late," I panted. The teacher, who's name I later learned was Gloria, narrowed her eyes at me.

She nodded which I assumed meant that I could come in. I walked towards her desk, feeling pretty nervous. I probably shouldn't have been worried. What's the worst she could do anyway, give me detention? But  she also looked like she ate kids in her spare time so I think my fears were validated.

She wordlessly handed me my schedule and gestured towards the remaining seat which happened to be right in front of her desk. Guess I wasn't the only one who wanted to keep my distance . I sat down and made myself comfortable.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Well, that was a rushed morning. Time to settle yourself, heart.

I turned my attention to the girl sitting beside me. She was doodling on a blank piece of paper, quite beautifully, might I add. She had red hair that fell down her back in curls and was probably dyed because there's no way anyone naturally had hair that bright. I spent the rest of the class staring at her draw in amazement. I tried to talk to her at one point but a warning grunt from Gloria the possible child cannibal was enough to make me shut up.

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