Alright, so this is a story that has been coming along beautifully so I decided to post it. I haven't been working on it for very long but it's got three chapters in and I'm starting to kick things off. This'll be a short author's note because I know people hate these but as always, any questions, comments, and/or concerns go in the comments. Silent readers are fine because that's seemingly all I get. 

Either way, go support my main account TheHighwayDreamer01 it needs love...

For anyone who's gonna say, "Oh, but Marie, what about General Lee's Revenge? Aren't you going to finish that first?" The answer is no because I'm juggling around a bunch of different projects which include General Lee's Revenge, a rewrite of the first Under One Roof book, a prequel story to General Lee's Revenge called Crimson which I will be uploading shortly, 2045, an original called The Devil's Three Children, and this story BCWB. 

So no, I will not be finishing GLR anytime soon, however, I will be working on it and attempting to make progress. 

Anyway, enjoy this shit, I hope you like it, and uh.... yeah.


(Also don't ask me why I'm constantly juggling around multiple different projects because I don't know)

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