Chapter 16

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As I said earlier I won't let you meet them or lay a hand on them and I promise you that P'Wave and I will stop you until our last breath so you won't get a chance to be anywhere near them.

What can the two of you do to stop me from getting to them and I'm not afraid to kill anyone who stands in my way of getting my job done?

I won't let you hurt them and I will let you go now before you will never get the chance to see the light after I'm done with you.

Do you think you came here and I should be scared of you and just go away just like that because you gave me a warning. Oh please, I will just kill you and your friends together.

Don't you get it, it's only one of you and 3 of us here so do you think you can kill us just like that without any problem or help.

Okay, I'm here to put an end to all 5 of you and I will do it without wasting any more time talking with you.

Okay, show me what can you do and I will stop you before you can kill us all just like that.

As P'Berry and P'Paw were fighting each other and one thing leads to another P'Paw got hurt a little bit and his brother was worry about him.

No paw are you okay, do you need my help, P'Paw watch out erhh... is it over okay good hahaha... I told you to be careful hmmm...

Oh no P'Leaf you got hit with your own arrow, no please stay with me, please... We all still need you with us here please don't go... Don't leave us no no noo... Crying... All crying...

Hello howl, it's about P'Leaf he is gone he save me from a poison arrow to his back, shot by P'Berry but now I don't know how to deal with this. Crying... All crying...

Oh no, why would he do that no... Crying... Why... Okay, I'm coming now with P'Eight and P'Claw. Where is P'Berry now?

P'Berry is dead, P'Leaf kills him with the same arrow before his last breath.

As P'Claw drove to P'Wave place together with P'Eight and P'Howl. Went they reach there P'Howl rush out of the car and into the house to see his brother lying on the ground with all his brothers and friends surrounding him with tears in their eyes.

Night time,
So now we need to think of a plan to bring P'Leaf back alive because we still have a feeling that he is not dead yet and I really hope what we are feeling is true and right.

Master Brown and Master Silver said, there is a chant for brining a person back alive by combining our powers and putting a plant on his heart area and then chant the spell and wait for the magic to work.

Okay, we will give it a shot and went he is alive then we need to send him to the hospital to remove the arrow because if we remove it now it could make more damage to him.

As all 3 of his brothers set down and started to do the spell and when they had finished everyone bows down and praying for him and waiting for the magic to work then suddenly P'Leaf got up.

Hmmm... What is going on why is everyone sad what happened.

Oh my gosh, P'Leaf we are so glad you are back and now we are at the hospital they just removed the arrow from your back.

The doctor said that once you are better then you can go back home and that will take about 3 weeks for you to get better and the wound to heal up.

Oh okay, then I will try to heal myself faster so I can go back to normal and not be staying here so long like 3 weeks.

3 weeks later,
Hey babe, I will take you home today so we can't wait to have you home with us but first let me go settle the bill and then we can go back.

Okay, yeah after 3 weeks here is kinda boring and I can't wait to see all of them at home.

Hey babe, I'm done now let go home but on the way maybe we could get lunch for everyone.

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