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The next few weeks were crazy.

For three hours every week, Rowen was a complete and total stranger to her. He was nothing more than a professor who taught Statistics and treated her with casual indifference whenever they were in a classroom.

All that would change whenever they were alone.

Behind closed doors, whether it was in his office, in his car, or in his apartment, they would make out so intensely that each time it proved harder and harder to stop him.

It would've been the easy, sensible thing not to allow herself to be alone with him, but Rowen was like a drug she had become addicted to. He was a great and terrible distraction that made focusing on her studies near impossible, but she couldn't help it.

"It's the spring of Hayleigh Sullivan," Tara commented back in their dorm. "Stop grinning like an idiot. It's almost infuriating."

"What?" Hayleigh absently replied as she finished replying to Rowen's latest text. "What did you say?"

"Ugh, see what I mean?" Tara rolled her eyes as she closed her laptop. "You've been texting that Ryan dude nonstop for weeks. Is the d really that good?"

"If you must know, I haven't had sex with Ro—Ryan." Hayleigh corrected herself at the last second.

"Oh no, so it'll only get worse from here?" Tara dramatically sighed. "On the one hand, I suppose I should be happy for you. At least you're finally getting some action like everybody else."


"Nothing. I just hate that you're still managing to maintain your GPA." Tara snorted. "You keep saying you can't concentrate, and yet you're passing just fine."

"So you want me to fail and lose my scholarship." Hayleigh laughed. "What kind of a friend are you?"

"An awesome friend," Tara emphatically said. "But I'm telling you girl, don't get too crazy with this Ryan dude, okay? I don't wanna have to pick up the pieces if he turns out to be some fuckboy and screws you over."

Hayleigh's phone vibrated again. She picked it up and read Rowen's latest reply.

 She picked it up and read Rowen's latest reply

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She nearly dropped her phone. "Fuck."

"What is it?" Tara asked. "Did he send you a dick pic?"

"What is up with you and dicks?" Hayleigh's laugh was short-lived. "No, he uh... invited me to stay over at his place on Friday."

Tara slowly raised her eyebrows. "I guess someone's cherry is finally getting popped."

"Don't say that!"

"Well, that's obviously what's going to happen if you say yes. The only question left is: do you like him enough to let him do the honors?"

Without a doubt, Hayleigh liked Rowen. But to give up her virginity for him, after only a month of dating...

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