~Chapter 1~

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*Plays Drop Pop Candy (Above if you wanna listen.)
Grrrrrr time to wake up. I hate waking up in the mornings. School should seriously start at 9:00. Oh well I guess, better get up and get dressed before Violet comes an-

"WAKE UP FAITH!!!!!" Yelled my sister as she run into my room.
"Violetttttttt don't you know how to knock?"
"Yeah I do."
"Then why do you never do it?"
"Because it's not as fun!"

I rolled my eyes and pushed her out of the room and started getting ready for the most dreadful thing, school. Blah.
I finally got all ready and rushed downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Morning mom!"
"Morning sweetie!"
"What's for breakfast?"
"Eggs, bacon, and toast. Hurry and eat your sister has been eating for 20 minutes."

"Well she just eats slow."
"Uh huh."
"And your the older one."
"So, I'm still taller than you."

I stood up and she stood up and oh what do we see? Oh yeah I'm still taller by 3 inches! What a surprise!
"Thats not fair! You got dads tallness and I'm stuck with moms shortness! Mom! Why do you have to be so short!?"
"Violet stop whining and eat! Your sister is already done and you've been sitting here for 20 minutes!"

"But, but, it's sooooooo good!"
"Hurry up!"
"Okay, okay bossy pants."
"Violet shut up."
"What if I don't want to?????? Huh!"

"Then I'm taking your Vocaloid plushies away!"
"Violet just eat."
After forever she finally finished and we were out of the door in the car driving to school. I swear when I get my license I'm driving myself to school so I'm not on the verge of being late. But, we got to school with 10 minutes to spare so we separated and I went to my friends.

"Hey guys!"
"Hey ewwwwi"
"Shut up Alejandra!"
"Ugh your just like my sister."
"Good, now you'll get annoyed twice as much!"
"Jeez you guys! You've been friends sense kindergarten and you still fight so much!"
"Shut up Anna!"

"Dang Alejandra! Who pooped in your breakfast this morning?"
"Alexa's dogs, best friends, neighbors, cats, friends, husband did."
"You make no sense Alejandra."
"I know I don't Alexa!"
"Hey Faith. Faith. Faith? Faith! Faith! Faith Maria Rose!"

"What are you thinking about?"
"Ohhhhhhh I know." Alejandra said then smiled mischievously.
"You see Ben over there don't you?" She whispered.

She patted my back and went back to eating her cupcake. I have a crush on this boy named Ben. Only the two people I trust the most who aren't my parents know, Alejandra and Violet. Even though she's a pain she's still my sister and is always there for me, and Alejandra has been my friend sense kindergarten! Now we're in 10th grade!

Dang we have a long friendship! The bell rang and I went to my first class, which was Language Arts. Blahhhh. I don't even have any of my friends in this class with me. But instead of the people that I actually like, I have the "Drama Ramas" as we call them. Their a group of girls that think they're better than everyone else and are freakishly rich and wear designer clothes to school and act like the hallways is a runway.

There is so many of them but the main girls are Katelyn the leader, Kendall the vice leader, Haylee the insulter, and Kenzi the blonde. I know, I know, "blonde" is a mean way to describe her but she is so stupid that she started crying last year because she thought that the world was flat and she was gonna walk off and die. See what I mean? But the thing they all are is, bitches! Surprise surprise! Not really though.

There is actually only one person that I would be willing to talk to but he would probably not even know who I am, it's Ben. I've had a crush on him sense 3rd grade. I waited wayyyyyyy to long and now he has a girlfriend. And guess who that is? Katelyn! Another reason I never confessed my feelings to him was because Anna, one of my friends has a crush on him too. I think that dating the guy your friend likes is breaking the friendship code.

I remember that she would get so mad at me for even looking at him. One time I was assigned a project with him and she got so mad that she didn't talk to me for 3 weeks straight until the project was over! I guess I better start paying attention to the teacher now............

Finally! It's after Language Arts! 2 hours of boring things about poems and punctuation. Now it's Science with Alejandra, then Math with Anna, then physical activities with Alexa, then lunch, then Foreign Language without any of them because I'm taking Japanese and they all are taking Spanish.

Finally!!!!!!! School is over!!!!!!! Now I have to say bye to my friends, find Violet, go to the car, drive home, get ready for dance, have Violet drop me off at dance, dance, get picked up by Violet, go home, do homework, eat dinner, shower, watch Youtube and go through Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram, then sleep! Ah the best thing is at the end! Sleep!!!

I finally found Violet and had to drag her to the car, rush to get ready, and went to dance! That took wayyyyyyy to long! I spent time at dance for 1 hour and 30 minutes and had to call Violet 10 times for her to finally answer her phone and come and pick me up! Ughghghh that girl! Luckly I only had Math homework so I rushed and did that. When my parents got home we helped my mom cook dinner and all ate the delicious spaghetti and meatballs! Mmmmmm!

I took a shower which was extra long because I got my hair sticky somehow! That took freaking 45 minutes! Ugh! I watched Youtube and went on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram and that lasted about 1 hour and 35 minutes until my mom told me to go to sleep so I had to reset my alarm to a different song and went to sleep! Yassssss sleep!!!!! The best thing!!!!!

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