~Secrets Told~

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Faith's POV
I woke up and quickly got ready and headed downstairs to eat breakfast. Being the awesome super mom she is she already had eggs,bacon,toast,and waffles ready. I would be lying if I said that I hated my mom. I have never met anyone that has hated my mom. When my friends come over she basically has a feast for us! My friends leave looking like elephants! Okay okay whatever time to eat.
My dad yelled and came down
Violet jumping up and down wearing a pastel purple shirt that had 'Stay Kawaii! (⌒▽⌒ゞ' on it with a beige cardigan and jeans and of course she had some weird accessory on and today she decided to wear bunny ears! Yay.........not.
"Mom! Faith ate all the food!"
"No I didn't! I'm not that fat!"
"Violet stop and eat I saved some eggs and bacon for you"
"But, but what about the waffles?"
"Faith give your sister your waffles"
"Faith please"
"Fine. 'Humph' I better get candy for this"
"YAY WAFFLES!!!!!!!!!"
"Can you stop yelling? I gave you waffles so now shut up"
"Blonde bimbo!"
"Girls! Stop!"
We both said and I got out of my seat to go get my shoes on and when I got done fixing them Violet was done and we headed out. Oh course being the gigantic Vocaloid fan she is, I had to listen to Vocaloid music the whole 15 minutes to school. Ugh. When I got to school I said bye to Violet and went to my friends. Alejandra immediately pulled me away when I got there.

"Alejandra what's wrong?"
"What did she do this time?"
"She told"
"Told what?"
"Your secret"
"Which one?"
"The crush"
"WHAT!?!?!?!? TO WHO!?!?!!"
"You better tell me before I beat the crap out of her!"
"Okay, she told the person who you like, Jessa, Haylee, Kendall, Kenzi, and Katelyn"
"Calm down, we can fix this"
"How!? You know Katelyn! She's gonna tell the whole school!"
"Calm down okay! You're gonna have a panic attack!"
"Okay, well what do we do?"
"Well you will stop talking to Anna and Alexa"
"Why Alexa?"
"Because she helped Anna tell them"
"You know what, I'm just gonna ignore them, I can't be friends with people that I can't trust"
"Well we should get to class then"
We went to science and spent 1 hour just listening to Mr.L lecture us about the human muscle. Now after science I had gym, ugh. Not only that I'm so out of shape I am forced to be with the "Drama Ramas" and Alexa and Anna plus the "crush" or senpai as my sister would make me call him.

When I got to gym the coach had us change then we had to do 50 push-ups, 35 sit-ups, and 45 crunches. I sped through everything and didn't even try to do them right because I wanted to get as far away from "them" as possible. As I came out of the locker room from taking a quick shower and changing I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Ben.
"Sorry" I whispered and tried to quickly get away but then he grabbed my arm.
"Let go"
"Let go!"
"We need to talk!"
I got angry and did a really high pitched shriek and he let go of my arm and covered his ears so I ran to my bag and sprinted out of the gym.

I ran into someone again and saw it was only Alejandra.
"Hey, what happened?"
"I'll explain later lets go"
I pulled her all the way to our next class.
"Okay, so I rushed and did all the stuff in gym then I took a shower, changed, came out and ran into Ben-
"Yes Alejandra now shut up!"
"I apologized and tried to walk away but he wouldn't let go of my arm and he kept saying that we had to "talk". I got super frustrated and angry so I let out a really loud shriek-
"Then I grabbed my bag and ran out then now we're here"

"Can we get a smoothie?"
"I. Want. A. Smoothie. Do. You. Under. Stand?"
"Yes, I do understand but why now?"
"I wanna go to the mall and get candy while you shop and Violet goes to that Japanese store"
"Okayyyyyyyyyy only if Violet was her-"
"Where were you?"
"Sawii I was busy fangirling over a computer, and no the computer was not pretty, it was ugly and I was fangirling because Gakupo and Luka were on it"
"Okay................ So Alejandra wants to go to the mall and she wants candy, I want clothes, and I know that you want Japanese stuff. So lets go"
"Okay! But can we eat after?"
"Sure, but Alejandra's paying"
"Well you're the one that wants to go so you pay for food"
"Fine.......... You're a butthead"
"I know I am thanks!"

We all got into Violet's tiny two door pastel pink Fiat and were off to the mall. When we got they we all decided to meet at Phò Saigon across the street after we were done and we all separated. I went to ASOS, Forever21, Aeropostale, Abercrombie, Rue 21, and so on. After I was done I was walking through the food court and saw "them" plus Ben and his friends. I quickly put my head down and started walking faster but being the clumsy person I am I ran into someone for the second time today! I looked up and saw that it was Ben. Uh-oh.

"Faith we need to talk" He said and grabbed my wrist, which caused my to spin and fall into his arms.
"My sister! The one in your arms!"
Violet pulled me out of his arms and he stood there in shock.
"You already hurt her so much so just leave her alone and never talk to her again. Or, lets just say you might not be able to walk next time"
With that she lead me out of the food court.
"How did you know what he did?"
"Alejandra told me"
"Where is she?"
"In the car"
"Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah, I just wished that he would leave me alone. Thanks for saving me back there"
"No problem, you're my little sister after all"
We laughed and finally got to the car.
"Hey guys!"
"What happened?"
"I ran into him again"
"I swear if he doesn't leave you alone I'm gonna run him over with a giraffe!"
"A giraffe?"
"Yes a giraffe. Got a problem?"
We all laughed and drove across the street.

When we got there while we were getting out of the car "they" were getting out. Ugh. As we saw them we ran inside so we could get a seat far away and in the corner.

"Hello and welcome to Phò Saigon. How many people?"
"3 please"
"Alright, please follow me this way"
We followed the waitress as she sat us in the corner away from everyone.
"What would you like to drink?"
"For now we will all have Root Beer and when our food comes we'll have Thai Tea with boba please"
"Okay here are your menus and I'll be back with your drinks and wanton soup with dumplings"
"Thank you"

Just as the waitress walked away another waitress sat "them" down at 2 other extra large booths across from us.
"Do they need extra large booths because they're all so fat?"
Me and Violet bursted out laughing after Alejandra said that.
"What? Isn't it true?"
"Maybe, or they are using one booth for the girls makeup and the other one for themselves"
To be honest I don't hate my sister because she's always there for me and Alejandra has been there for me through everything sense Kindergarten so I couldn't ask for any better friends. We each chose to get the combination but I got a large and they each got medium because according to Alejandra she ate to much candy and according to Violet her "fangirling" cause half of her appetite to go away. But then they both said they weren't that hungry because they saw "their" faces. Which once again caused me to burst out laughing.

The waitress came and took our orders and left us with wanton soup and dumplings that we all devoured. She came back with our phò and thai tea with boba. We ate and laughed so much that Violet started choking on a piece of boba. After we finished we ordered dessert. We all got a small cup of Thai Coconut Noodle Dessert and I got some mochi, Violet got custard cake, and Alejandra got jello. After we finished that Alejandra payed and we left.

After we dropped off Alejandra at her house and made plans to go to the beach tomorrow we went home.
"Hey girls"
"Hey mom"
"Where were you?"
"The mall and Phò Saigon"
"Okay, dinner will be ready in 3 hours, also Dave Denly, the coach of baseball, football, and basketball that works with your dad will be coming over for dinner so go clean up because his family is coming to"
"Wa-wait, so Ben Denly is coming?"
"Yes Faith, is that a problem?"
"Okay, go get ready and Faith help Violet, I don't want her coming down in her pajamas like she did last time"
"I didn't want to change!"
"But it was a formal dinner!"
"I was comfy"
We all laughed then me and Violet went to her room.
"I swear if he annoys you for me he's not gonna have any legs"
"I'm just scared"
"Don't be, I'm here and you know what will happen if he comes anywhere near you!"
"I know I know"
"Okay, now we have 3 hours till dinner, so we have 1 hour to take a nap. I'll wake you up okay?"
And with that I walked to my room and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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