➵ epilogue

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After weeks of traveling, Dutch had decided to take a small break, much to everyone's relief.

Case in point, everyone couldn't deny their eagerness to start their new life, however straining themselves almost to the point of exhaustion did not sound as appetizing. This beautiful clearing, surrounded by trees and tiny ponds seemed a good a place as any to have that well-deserved break.

As each member took care of their belongings, Arthur let his own stuff as it were, not really caring much about it.

His focus remained on (y/n) alone, now that practically the whole gang knew of these two lovebirds being in love—thanks to her father, who had proclaimed it loud and clear for everyone to hear like a giddy child the very same day they came back to the gang, after weeks of being apart.

That day had been full embarrassing, and uncomfortable conversations for the most part; luckily, that had been left behind now.

The gunslinger found himself strolling peacefully around the ponds and trees, enjoying the peace and quiet that reigned. Eventually, he came up to the same pond (y/n) had decided to sit near, it seemed slightly bigger than the rest. With her bare feet submerged in the clear waters of the pond, she began humming a new song, he noticed, one just as melodic and sweet.

Arthur came to stand behind her sitting form, and bent over to place a kiss on the top of her head. "Hello, darlin'."

With a bright smile, (y/n) glanced up and met his adoring gaze. "Hello, handsome."

Arthur let out a chuckle as he went to sit by her side, their shoulders touching. He followed her lead and took his worn out boots, letting his sore feet touch the water slowly.

"Ah, 's colder than I thought..." He murmured, taking a little longer to fully dip his feet than he had anticipated.

"A little, but it's perfect after a while." (y/n) added with a contented smile, leaning over to place her head on his shoulder. "This is perfect."

Arthur couldn't agree more—for once in a long time, he finally felt like he truly was living his best life. And he wanted to share this, so who better to share it with than the woman that had conquered his heart within the span of just a few weeks—now turned months.

The outlaw turned his head slightly, his lips brushed against her forehead lovingly.

"I love you, (y/n) Matthews." His words came out low, quiet—the sentiment with which he spoke them felt much stronger this way.

(y/n) met his loving gaze once more, definitely noticing the sentiment, the love he had proclaimed just now for her. "And I love you, Arthur Morgan." She confessed just as quietly, beaming up at him so lovingly Arthur could feel his heart melting at the sight. "And I am more than ready to spend the rest of my days with you."

"Darlin'..." he sighed, grinning like a child. He leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers softly. He closed his eyes, allowing his arms to come around her figure, tightening his grip on her a tad. Before long, he pulled away enough to see her face as a frown took over his visage. "You sure you wanna spend so long with a man o' the likes o' me?"

"Arthur..." (y/n) sighed, almost rolling her eyes.

"I ain't a good man." He murmured, once more reminding himself of his own wrongdoings from the past. Despite everything, the guilt and remorse of his past actions weighed on his shoulders, constantly reminding him of the man he had come to be.

Would he be good enough?

Doubts plagued him once again, soon turned into uncertainty—he couldn't help it, to have his past come back at certain times to remind him of his true nature. It was something he couldn't easily get rid of, no matter how hard he tried.

(y/n) Matthews wouldn't have any of it, however.

All of his worries vanished when (y/n) leaned in, gingerly grabbing his face and pulling him into a loving kiss—she kissed him so tenderly, softly at first; gradually, she kissed him with such a passion that it left him breathless, and needy for more when she leaned back, and gazed into his ocean blue eyes lovingly.

And then she spoke again, a mere murmur leaving her rosy lips before she kissed him once more; this time, even more passionately than before.

"You're good to me, and that's enough."

T H E · E N D

Mud and Gold [Arthur Morgan] [RDR2]Where stories live. Discover now