Chapter 16 (Edited)

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Shopping had proved to be a tiring event for both of us. I had dragged Leo across malls, desperate to find something that I liked but wasn't out of my budget. Leo, to his credit, had proved to be a very indulgent shopping buddy. At times, I couldn't help but wish that I was his girlfriend, because he would've been a very lavish boyfriend. I had mentally slapped myself for thinking that way. There was no way Leo would be ready for any relationship so soon. I had insisted that we wouldn't go out for dinner. Leo didn't want to cook. So we had compromised and agreed to have microwavable food.

I was in the living room in my white Mickey Mouse t-shirt and denim shorts when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door to see Leo standing there with two enormous grocery bags in his hands. "Leo what is this?" I asked, shocked "Aria, I don't mean to interrupt your gaping, but these bags are kinda heavy. Will you let me in?" He asked, his voice straining with effort. I hurried to a side and Leo ran inside, dragging the bags with him. I shut the door and helped him put the bags on the kitchen counter. "What's in this?" I asked as I pulled out a large bottle of mustard and mayo. "Okay, so neither did we want to order food, nor did we want to cook. So I got us the stuff to make the healthiest junk food there is. New York street food!" Leo said excitedly. "Are we having home-made Slurpees too?" I asked, getting excited. "What do you mean 'home-made Slurpees'? Who would ever do such a thing?"Leo frowned. "Okay." I said in a small voice.

We set to work, me heating up the hot dog buns in the microwave while Leo fried the sausages on the pan. The smell of crackling meat filled the air and I took an appreciative breath. "This smells so good." I mumbled and began to put the fillings into the hot dog buns. "You bet." Leo smirked and I blushed. I had no clue why he had that effect on me. Leo put the the sausages on a plate and helped me build the hot dogs. Very often, our hands would brush and would try hard to not look like a tomato. "What time is your dad going to land?" Leo asked me. "His arrival time is one in the morning." I said. "Okay, I'll keep an alarm." Leo said, reaching across me to get the salt and pepper. "What? No! I'll take a cab and get him myself. You need sleep Leo." I said. I meant it. Leo was beginning to get dark circles under his eyes.

I tried to walk past him to get some water, but he blocked my path and held my hands. "I am trying to keep you close to me, Aria. How long will it take for you to realise that?" Leo asked me seriously. He held me so close, that I could see the flecks of grey in his blue eyes and feel his breath fan my face. Every breath I took was full of his scent- mint, aftershave and something else, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. Leo's eyes flickered to my lips and he began to lean in. My eyes fluttered close of their own accord and Leo's lips brushed against my own, light as a feather. I wanted more. I went froward to kiss him again, but was interrupted when Leo's phone gave a loud beep. We jumped apart in alarm and Leo went forward to check his phone.

"It's Andrew. He's sent me the details of the luncheon tomorrow." Leo's voice was raspy and I bit my lip. "Are you sure that you're father will be willing to attend tomorrow?" Leo asked and I snapped out of my reverie. "Yeah, if I ask him, he'll definitely agree." I said. I couldn't help but notice that Leo's face was a little flushed. I became aware of the fact that I was staring and busied myself by getting some chips and drinks ready.

By some unspoken pact, both of us didn't speak about what had happened. We took the food to the living room and I put on the fourth 'Die Hard' movie- a franchisee both Leo and I were fond of. As the movie progressed, the tension between us dissolved and we went back to the comfortable space we were in before. We finished eating and I set our plates on the coffee table before resting my head on Leo's shoulder. Leo, who was engrossed in watching the movie, absently put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "Leo, could you get the dessert?" I asked sweetly. He looked down at me and I made a puppy face. "Fine." He sighed. I paused the movie and he got off the couch to make us both a chocolate sundae each.

I pulled out the couch into a bed as Leo put the finishing touches to our dessert. I made myself comfortable and we both snuggled into the pillows, clutching our sundaes. I played the movie again. The sundaes were amazing. "Mmm...Leo this is amazing. What did you put into this?" I asked, licking my spoon clean after my first bite. "Vanilla ice cream, shortbread, dark chocolate bits, warm chocolate brownie, walnuts, chocolate straws and chocolate syrup with chopped strawberries." Leo counted the ingredients off on his fingers. "Oh wow. This is the definition of guilty pleasure." I commented as I dug into my dessert. "I'm glad you like it." Leo said.

After a while of immense concentration on my dessert, I noticed that Leo was staring at me. "Is there something on my face?" I asked, grabbing a tissue paper. "N-Yeah. Yeah there is." Leo said. He poked my cheek and said, "There is a gorgeous blush on your cheeks." He said, making me blush deeper. "Shut up." I said, punching his shoulder. "Are we going to talk about the kiss?" Leo asked suddenly. "What? You just broke up!" I exclaimed. "I had been preparing myself for something like this. Also, it's not the first time Aria, I don't want to waste time on Prudence!" Leo said irritably. "What do you want then?" I asked, exasperated at his sudden mood swings. "Maybe I've been trying to hint to you that I like you!" Leo exclaimed. I remained silent.

Leo took a deep breath. "Remember you asked me who my first crush was?" Leo asked softly. I nodded. "It was you. I never stopped liking you. I was devastated when you left school, but I always hoped that I would see you somewhere. Two years passed, and I heard that you had gone to live in a hostel somewhere. I tried to move on. I dated Prudence, but it didn't work out. I moved to New York and dated a few girls, but none of them made me forget that there was a princess who stole my heart first. Then you moved to New York and became my neighbour and I felt like it was destiny bringing us together. I don't know about you Aria, but I really, really like you." Leo said sincerely. He waited for me to speak, but I couldn't. So I simply tackled him in a bear hug.

Maybe, this could work out.

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