Chapter 2: I Just Realized My Boyfriend Is A Dick

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"I speak english sweetheart, what seems to be the problem?" she asked.

"I think I- no I know I switched phones with someone back in America before getting on the plane and now they have my phone somewhere, probably looking through my messages, my pictures, oh Rao my pictures," Jon said and another wave of panic spread through the teen and the girl chuckled slightly.

"What scared the poor person is gonna see some package they weren't expecting?" she asked having the audacity to laugh.

"Yeah, my rich famous boyfriend's," Jon said shaking her by the shoulders and her face sombered up.

"Well, let's see what we can do to get you your phone back, I'm Alya."

"Jon Kent," Jon said and Alya's eyes widened.

"As in like Lois Lane's son?" Alya asked smiling widely. "As in like dating Damian Wayne Jonathan Kent?" Alya asked smile growing bigger than the Joker's. "I can see why you need that phone back now."

"I was supposed to be meeting the owner of the phone's friends here, you wouldn't happen to be friends with a girl named Marinette right cause I mean your name is Alya and she mentioned...." Jon started and Alya laughed as a boy came over to join her.

"Nino you're not going to believe this, Marinette traded phones with that stranger that we're supposed to show around," Alya said laughing so hard she was almost crying now and Nino joined in the giggles.

"This isn't funny as much as I want to trust your friend, she has no idea what kind of stuff is on my phone... she doesn't even know who I am," Jon said shaking Alya's shoulders.

"You know your own phone number right? Why not just call it from the phone as an emergency call, and I do know her password if that's a problem," Alya said trying to calm down the panicked teen. "Also I don't think Mari would be the type to leak those kinds of things," Alya said nudging Jon who rolled his eyes. There weren't even any dick picks on his phone, more like mission statements that had the exact time and place he was supposed to meet the heroes and stuff that could totally compromise his identity. He just hoped that Damian put a password on it.

Marinette stared up at the ceiling as the phone next to her kept buzzing. She didn't want to be rude and look especially since Jon wouldn't do the same with her phone, at least she hoped not but whoever this was really needed to stop texting. She picked up the phone and the screen opened almost immediately. No password.

From Dami: Beloved have you landed yet? Jon are you ok? Did something happen? I knew this was a bad idea. Let me call my father and I'll be over there right away. He said I couldn't go, that we needed space but please text me back so I know you're ok Jon.

Marinette felt guilty for what she was about to do but if it would soothe the boy of the other end's nerves about sweet Jon for even a moment, she would do it.

To Dami: Nothing is wrong, I just landed.

Marinette texted back nervously and she shut the phone off feeling dirty for lying to her new friend's boyfriend. It was wrong, so wrong. Marinette picked up the phone and started scrolling through the pictures app curiously. It couldn't help to indirectly get to know her new friend through pictures.

From Dami: Good to hear beloved, I was getting worried, get some rest we can talk tomorrow.

Marinette clicked on the text gnawing on her bottom lip. Did Jon seem like the type to say I love you after all this? There were no previous texts so it was obviously a new phone with no backups saved.

To Dami: I'll do that, love you.

She responded and the text was left on read. "What an asshole," Marinette said to herself before clicking back on the pictures app a bunch of pictures of a white dog with various people filled most of his camera roll as she scrolled through. Pictures of people who must have been family based on the glasses and familiar face shape took up a bunch too but one picture stood out to her the most. It was a selfie taken by a masked teen pressing his lips up to Superboy's. She dropped the phone on the ground. "Shit."

Jon paced against the floors of Alya and Nino's apartment nervously.

"Dude calm down, we'll get this all figured out ok?" Nino said and Jon nodded as Nino called his phone number again with no answer.

"Oh my Rao that asshole," Jon said suddenly and Alya looked offended.

"Listen I'm sure Marinette just doesn't want to answer on a stranger's phone or she's asleep, no reason to name call," Alya said offended.

"Not her, Damian, he must have changed the phone number after it got leaked last week, I was missing my phone then suddenly Damian gets me a new one, it all makes sense now and now I have no idea what the number is," Jon said burying his head in his hands. "That also means that my old one is in Marinette's but that won't help either," Jon said slumping, pushing the Iphone across the table roughly.

"Wait did you say boyfriend?" Nino asked after a moment.

"Is that a problem here, Marinette seemed ok with it and so did Alya so," Jon started looking panicked not wanting to lose one of the two people who could help him through this hectic circumstance.

"No not at all, it's just Mari and Adrien have been off their game lately, maybe you could pretend to text Adrien as Marinette but you know flirtier a you style, you guys are a lot alike," Nino suggested and Alya smirked.

"More like twins, but he's got a point, I'm sure Marinette would do the same in your situation," Alya said and Jon picked up the phone seeing a text from a weird name: Chaton.

"Who the hell is Chaton?" Jon asked and Alya looked at Nino and panicked.

"Um, Marinette thinks our resident hero Chat Noir looks a little like Adrien it's just a joke they have going on," Alya said and Jon shrugged before remembering.

"You guys have heroes here, I forgot about that, do they like patrol or something it might be nice to get a glimpse of them," Jon said attempting to get the information that was supposed to be on his phone from the Parisians.

"Yeah, they're normally out at night and thanks to the time change you might just be able to see them at some point," Nino said smiling.

Jon looked back down at the phone smiling. Perfect.

From Chaton: I'll miss you tonight, good luck in Gotham. I'm also sorry about earlier, I should have been nicer to you about the whole leaving thing. Dad's just been getting worse lately, he never has any time left. Not like he ever did before though.

Jon had no idea how to react. Nino looked uncomfortable reading over his shoulder and Alya sighed.

To Chaton: It's ok, I forgive you, I'm a bit tired after the flight, I'll text you tomorrow though, I love you.

Jon hit send and got hit with a read. Jerk.

Nino put a hand on his shoulder. "Let's take you to your hotel and get you settled it," Nino said and they left the comfort of the apartment. All Jon could think about was how bad he felt for poor Marinette.

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