250 Q and A!!

82 12 164

-What's your favorite subject in school? 

I would say art, but I technically don't do that in school, so math!!

-What's your favorite summer activity? 

Staying inside!! XD

We usually homeschool through summer and then have all of December off! When it's nice and cool! ;D

 -What do you want to be when you're older? 

A movie director and a writer! 

 -If you could travel to any time period, what year would you go to and where would it be?


Da future?

I dunno. XD

-What is your favorite character from any book? 

I really like Lucy (Narnia), Ro (KOTLC), and Emily (Pegasus).

-What has been your least favorite thing about Covid-19?

The separation of people. And not seeing people's smiles. 😕😔

 -What has been your most favorite thing about Covid-19?

Being able to stay home!

 -Who is your favorite Disney Princess? 

Mulan XD

-Who is your favorite hero/heroine? 

Jesus (just thinking about the song right now ;D)

 -Are you a Christian? 


-What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Hm, that's hard...

Vanilla if it's Bluebell and Malted Moo if it's Tillamook. :DDD

 -What is the worst movie you've ever seen? 

I don't remember what it's called, but it was like based on the characters from the Wizard of Oz or something (I can't remember), but I nearly died watching that movie. X_X

-What is the worst book you've ever read? 

Whyyyyyy :(((

-What are your three favorite things to do(hobbies)? 

1. Writing 

2. Drawing

3. Editing

(I won't consider reading a hobby....


-What is the craziest dare you've ever done? 

I haven't really done many dares, so I guess the Hoya one XDXD 

-Who inspires you? 

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