~ Chapter 14 ~

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3:46pm - Monday

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3:46pm - Monday

"Uhm, (N/N)- help, please!" Koshima called out, as she struggled to carry a bag. You rushed over to her, helping her carry the bag.

"Jeez, whose bag is this? It's so heavy!" You complained, Osamu raised his arm with no hesitation.

"Sorry, I packed a lot of snacks." He said, taking the bag from the both of you.

"Snacks- how did snacks make your bag that heavy?" You asked, very confused. Osamu opened his bag, only to reveal thousands of snacks inside.

"Holy cow, how'll you eat all of that?!" Koshima asked, perplexed by the sight.

"Yeah- how are you gonna eat those bagel bites? Are you gonna eat them cold?" You asked, curious. Osamu shook his head, moving some of the snacks to reveal a microwave.

"So that's why the bag was so heavy..." Koshima trailed off, not questioning the fact that Osamu packed a microwave. Osamu had closed his bag, and left to place his bag on his bus seat.

"I think that's the last of the bags, I'll go tell Coach Kurosu." Koshima informed you before running off, Atsumu soon came walking out of the bus, and headed towards you with a grin

"Heya (N/N)-chan! Wanna sit with me on the bus?" Atsumu asked, wrapping his arm around your shoulders in a friendly manner.

"Me? Why? Does Osamu not wanna sit with you?" You asked, confused on why he asked you.

"Nope! Osamu, Suna, Gin, Akagi, and even Omimi didn't want to sit with me...!" He said with a joking, pained smile.

"Maybe I'll sit with you, but I'd have to let Koshima know first." You informed, though Atsumu seemed overjoyed. Koshima soon returned, in fact, it was perfect timing.

"Ah, Koshima-chan!" Atsumu said with a smile, she smiled back, noticing his presence.

"Atsumu asked me to sit with him on the bus, do you mind?" You asked, she shook her head with a smile.

"No, it's fine! I'll probably sit with Akagi or something," She said, still wearing her smile.

"Great! Let's go (N/N)-chan!" Atsumu said, ushering you to the bus.

"Alright, alright!" You replied, laughing at his excitement.

It didn't take long for everyone to get settled in their seats, everyone was fairly excited for the trip. After all, you were finally gonna see your cousin after such a long time.

The bus you were riding on had TV monitors, which helped with entertainment. After all, the ride was going to be at least 6 hours long. Everyone started voting for movies, though you were distracted, as your phone started to ring.

"Oh, hold on, my cousin's calling." You said, informing Atsumu. He nodded, you answered the phone, ready to greet your cousin.

"Yes, hello? What's up Satori?"


!Bonus Scene!:

"I'm kinda surprised," Koshima said wearing a confused smile.

"Surprised? Why?" Akagi questioned, unsure of what Koshima was talking about.

"Well, Atsumu told me earlier that no one wanted to sit with him, I thought you out of all people would be fine sitting with him!" Koshima laughed at the thought, however Akagi didn't laugh, instead he was confused.

"What? Atsumu asked me earlier to sit with you," Akagi said, questioning what Koshima had told him.

"What?" Koshima asked, now becoming confused herself.

"Yeah... He was originally my bus partner, but he asked me if I could sit with you," Akagi some-what explained what he knew, though it still seemed odd to Koshima.

"Do you- know why?" Koshima questioned, Akagi stroked his chin, as if he had a beard, thinking.

"I think Atsumu said something about wanting to sit with (N/N)-san."


(A/N): Heyo!! Hope you're all satisfied, I was gonna wait until next chapter to reveal who (Y/N)'s cousin is... But I thought that'd be too cruel! Anyways, I'll actually be a bit busy next week, sorry if I can't update! :]

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