the new beginning

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Dusk looked down at the Matrix in her hands, the glowing sphere didn't radiate much comfort.
"Why me?" She asked to herself. "Why did dad choose me?" Ever since Optimus died Dusk's spark has been filled with a dark, deep sorrow. Artorias walked up to the depressed little Autobot; she didn't look up.
"I understand your woe, I too have lost a father. However, the Autobots need a leader, somebody to guide them; to protect us." He started.
The purple femme interrupted "And their leader will be you." She thrusted the Autobot Matrix of Leadership in his direction.
"Little one-- er-- Dusk, your father trusted you with the Matrix. He was very wise, and he made the decision based on facts, not opinions; Optimus chose you because he thought you were the best fit for leading the Autobots. You..." The giant mech trailed off, and sat next to the grieving Prime.
"Why can't you lead us? You're an exemplar, you're honorable..." she exclaimed. "... you're strong." Artorias pulled down the Matrix and put the mass of eternal energy in her tiny hands, saying
"You were chosen, I was not. I have absolutely no right to take the Matrix from you." He swiftly stood, and walked toward the main room; looking behind him to see the poor Autobot leader weep.

Dusk and Dawn book 2Where stories live. Discover now