Part 1 - Ressurection

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Link awoke. He opened his eyes to see... blue? And black? Where was he? He couldn't remember a thing. Confused and a little scared he tried to get up. He didn't move. His breathing quickened. He tried to raise his arm. No response. Panicked, he tried to call out to anyone for help but not a sound escaped his lips. Suddenly a voice entered his head.
Link got up.
Left. Up. A.
Link moved foreward and left and carefully picked up a strange device. It beeped and turned blue in his hands, showing him a eye with streaks coming out the top and bottom. His hands unvolentarily put it away on his belt that he hadn't even noticed that was on his side and returned to dangling by his sides. As soon as he returned the slate to his waist he saw the wall in front of him slip away. The voice returned.
Right. Up. A. A. Pause. A. Left. A.
Link walked through the hole in the wall and opened two chests, pulling out a tatered shirt and pants. Closing the lid, it was like the clothes moved from his hands to his body instantly without him consciously putting them on.
Up. Right. Up. A.
Moving foreward he placed the slate he had taken from the pedestal and placed it on the stone slab in front of him. A more intricate door than the one from before lit up and slid away to reveal golden sunlight, the most beautiful colour he though he had ever seen. He walked past that one as well. The voice navigating him the entire time he ran to a small cliff and scaled it masterfully. Going down a large hill he met an old man.
"Hello there young one! It's a pleasure to see---
The strange voice was as loud and as repetitive as he had heard it so far. Before it had been calm and slow paced. He screamed inside his head as he tried to cover his ears but he couldn't. He could barely hear the old man over the explosion of noise. He suffered through it, curling up in a fetal position in his mind. The old man finished and the voice stopped. Then, it was back to commands. Link moved down the hill and spotted what looked like a small red goblin. He had no idea what a goblin was but he somehow spotted a resemblance. The voice navigated him to a nearby branch and, after picking it up, returned to the where the goblin-like creature stood. When Link came into the creatures eyesight it yelled something unintelligible and charged him with a stick of its own. The voice became more intense as the goblin jumped towards him, bellowing like a banshee.
Left. X. Y. Y. Y. Y. Y. Y. Y.
Link jumped to the side and it seemed time slowed down. His eyes dialated like a cat when chasing it's prey as he launched himself foreward with his legs. The goblin-thing was still trying to attack with its stick on the ground. Link slashed at the monster with seven hits. After his barrage the monster was launched backwards and slamed into a tree. The voice, still in control, made him walk to the tree and pick up the strange horn and tooth that were there. As soon as he touched them he knew that the monster he had slain was a Bokoblin. After picking those... things... up, he was directed towards a large pile of rocks. Even from the hill he was walking down he could see the pedestal. Link didn't really care though. He could do anything about it. Heck, he couldnt even blink on his own. It was a rythm that he didn't control. He was powerless. Trapped within his own body. So he gave in. He laid down in his mind and slept.

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