Chapter 2

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Some of the royal family was already there so we weren’t too early. I scanned the crowd of them and found Kasper standing alone off to the fountain. He turned around and his eyes found me. His eyes widened as he looked me up and down. I walked over to him and when I got there he looked stunned.

            “Holy shit. You look beautiful. Really.” He said smiling.

            “Aw well shucks. You look very handsome yourself.” I said grinning. He held his arm out and jokingly said,” Shall we my lady?” I took it gladly and we walked over to the heart of the garden. We took pictures and then went to sit down away from everyone. We talked for about 2 hours until it was time for all of us to make the grand entrance. Every year I did this, but my escort was always a cousin of some sort. We were one of the first couples to walk in. The King and Queen walked in and I heard everyone’s breath catch. They looked marvelous and breathtakingly beautiful. Kasper and I were the next since he was the Prince. We were arm in arm and walked in slowly. His arm tightened around mine and he led me to the table. We sat down and waited as everyone else walked in. then it was time for the first dance. A slow song played and one by one, each couple of the royal family got up. Kasper got up and held his hand out to me. I took it in mine and we walked to the center of the dance floor and danced. We were trying to hide our sniggers of laughter but failed at it. When the first song was over we walked to the drinks and stole a couple bottles and ran to the garden. It was our tradition. We did it every year to entertain ourselves. We got settled into our secret hideout we had found 163 years ago and started drinking. We had a bottle of whisky and we sat there drinking and talking for who the hell knows how long. No one would miss us at the ball anyway.

“Alright seriously?! I can’t believe you have a tattoo on your ass.” Kasper said as he barked with laughter.

“Alright shut the fuck up. It was a drunken mistake. I was with Teo that weekend in town and we got wrecked and bam, the next morning I had a star on my ass.” I took a swig of Jack and laid back against the tree chuckling at the memory. Kasper looked over at me, eyes sparkling with amusement.

“Can I see it?” he said as he waggled his eyebrows.

“In your fucking dreams Princey.” I told him, sticking my tongue out.

‘Aw c’mon where’s the fun in that?!”

“You’d never let me live it down.” I said with my signature smirk.

“Well fuck you Lu.” He said as he flipped me off and took a swig of his bottle.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He looked so…beautiful in the moonlight. The way his black, inky hair fell over his forehead. How perfectly straight it was and how it fell around his face. His smile was breathtaking and his sharp, electric blue eyes can keep you in a trance for god knows how long. Princey, if only you knew how I felt about you, I thought to myself.

“Hey, I just wanted to say you look really beautiful tonight.” Kasper said suddenly, looking at me.

I gulped and looked over to him,” Well thanks Princey. You look decent tonight for once.” I said smiling. Kasper cleared his throat and when I looked at him he sobered up with a serious face on.

------- KASPER’S POV

I looked at her seriously and sobered up. I needed to tell her how I felt.

Ever since my talk with father, it’s time I tell her my feelings.

I love her.

------- LUCIA’S POV

“I…uh…I need to tell you something important. I think it’s time I told you.” he said somberly. My heart was pounding in my chest.

“uh…alright…what is it?” I said unsure.

“I…I love you. I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you ever since you came here.”

I stared at him with my mouth wide open.

“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, I thought I’d tell you before it was too late. I was talking to my father and all and-“


“he said I should tell you and- “


He snapped out of what he was saying and as his eyes widened said,” Yeah?”

            “I…I’m in love with you too. I just never told you. I thought it would ruin our friendship.”

Many emotions crossed over his face. First shock, then confusion and then he smiled at me and took my face in his hands and kissed me tenderly. I put my arms around his neck and he pulled me on top of him. He laid me down on the grass and he fell on top off me. He trailed my lips and begged for entry with his tongue. Entry I gladly granted him. His hands trailed down my side caressing me as he went down. His other hand stroked my bare back and he pulled away.

            “How about we get out of here and go somewhere…more appropriate.” He said smugly.

            “I’d love that.” I said mischievously grinning. He got up off of him and picked me up wedding style and kissed me the whole way to the servant door to the mansion. He kicked the door open and we took the back stairs to the second floor. We got up there and he kicked open yet another door that led to the hallway. He carried us all the way down to his bedroom and he opened the door and laid me on the bed. He got up off me and went to lock his door. He came back and took his jacket off and undid his tie. He came back on top of me and started kissing me. He kissed along my jaw line and made his way to my neck, biting gently. His hands wandered up to the back of my neck to untie the halter. As he did he pulled my dress down slowly and tore it off. I unbuttoned his shirt as he went back to kissing and tore his shirt off. His lips trailed all the way down my jaw and made a trail to me neck. He bit my neck softly and I bit back a moan.

“I know you want to moan. Do it already”. He whispered into my ear. He started nipping at my ear and bit that same place over and over and every time he did, I moaned. His lips went down my neck and onto my chest. I kicked my heels off and he kicked his shoes off.

"You’re so always were, always will be" He said huskily.

I took his face in my hands and kissed him with all the passion I had inside. He tore away and started to kiss and bite down to my breasts. He made his way and sucked gently on my nipple. Biting, nibbling and sucking, oh god what the hell was I waiting for all these years. He took his hand over my other breast and played with my other nipple; pinching it. It felt so fucking good. I brought my hands down to his pants and unbuttoned them. He kicked them off instantly. All that was left between us now were flimsy pieces of fabric.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2013 ⏰

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