this doent mean were friends.

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Hello and thankyou for readying my shinkami story. It means a lot to me. I'm going to try and make this part a little bit longer but I might not stay by that. Enjoy! <3

(Denki POV)

"This doesn't mean we're friends."
He says when I sit next to him.
Ofcourse not. But then why did he come here? He made it sound like he hated me and never wanted to see my stupid face again, but he just came back with blankets and snacks. Maybe he feels bad? No, well... I'm not sure actually. Besides that he opens a computer and asks "what do you feel like watching?". Is this a movie night or something? I haven't watched a movie a while so I'm not sure what I like. Just not a horror, I hate those. It's just cause your a pussy. I think to myself. "Uh-uhm... I'm not sure. What about Harry Potter?" "Sure why not. "
(Head cannon: denki is a Potter fan)
The movie plays and I can't help but feel some kind of tension between us. I don't know. I continue to watch the movie and time Flys by. I suddenly realize we're an hour into the movie. I start to get really tierd even though it's only late afternoon. Shinsous blanket smells like coffee and warmth and... cats. It comforts me. Why does it comfort me... why does shinsou comfort me? I feel myself slowly falling asleep and fall on his shoulder. Next thing I know I'm out like a light.

(Shinsous POV)

We are sitting next to each other watching Harry Potter as he suggests. I wonder if he feels better? Am I just bothering him? I feel like something. An emotion. Not bad, but I'm not sure if it's good either. I can't put the strings together but it's something about him. Then I feel something heavy on my shoulder. He fell asleep ok my shoulder. He starts lightly snoring then his head slides to my lap and curls up in a little ball. I blush. Its... comforting. Why do I feel differently with him? Everyone else annoys me, but he just... I think I was zoning out to much into it because I fell asleep as well.
A few hours pass by and I wake up to denki still sleeping in my lap. He's so cute when he sleeps... wait! No no no stop. You are NOT falling for this guy! He.. he.. he's just an annoying kid. But... maybe we can hang out a little longer...
I start stroking his soft hair with my hand. I blush a little and then I realize that he's waking up. "Good morning sleepy head" I say to him when he opens his eyes. His face turns dark red as he looks around a realizes he fell Asleep on my lap. He shoots up and says "s-sorry... I didn't realize I fell asleep and i-" "it's fine!" I say cutting him off. "Oh, uhm. Alright then. What time is it?" He asks. I check my phone and its 9:06.
Shit. Well curfew is soon so i have to go. "Uhm..." I say. "Well, what time is it?" He asks me rubbing his eyes. "N-ine 06." I say. "NINE O SIX??" He yells while standing up fast and starts gathering our stuff. "Hey its alright, curfew doesn't start till-" I say when he interrupts me, "I don't care, you need to leave." He says in a upset voice. He then gets up and heads to the door opening it and gesturing me to leave. I get up and start walking out the door. Before he closes it I yell "wait!". He opens the door back up and looks confused. "I'm sorry for being an asshole today." Then I run off to my dorm.

(Denkis POV)

"I'm sorry for being an asshole earlier today". Shinou says then runs off to his dorm. I close the door then sit agenst it and start crying. Why would you do that? Fall asleep on him and get all romantic then make him feel sorry for you? You unless peice of trash. I look at my scars on my arms. I want to open them back up. I want red to stream down my arm. I want to feel pain. I need to feel pain. I told the bakusquad I wouldn't... I can't break that promise. Unless they never know..... no. Stop. You promised. They already hate you don't make them hate you even more dipshit. I go to the bathroom and I can't even look at myself. Fat. Ugly. Worthless. Garbage. Idiot. Stupid. Those are the only things I can think when I see my own reflection. My eyes are all red and puffy and ugly from crying. I go and lay on the couch and turn on a show. Why do you even try? Nobody likes you. Especially not shinsou. Why would you fall for him? He doesn't give a shit about you. He hates you by now. He would never like you like that. Garbage.

My phone starts beeping and when I pick it up I see the groupchat named "bakusquad 😀😝" start swaming my notifications. It looks like bakugou is yelling at everyone for something. I don't know or care Why the hell it is. But I see what's happening anyways.

(bakusuad 😀😝 texts)

Bakugou💥: OI EXTRAS

mina👑👽: what the hell is it bakugou?

Kirishima 🤘: yeah man what is it this time?

Sero🍃: bro it's too late for this


Sero🍃: woah bro calm down

Mina👑👽: oh yeah that was me I needed a mixer and a bowl.


kirishima 🤘:babe it's just a bowl and a mixer hi it's not a big deal.

(Denkis POV)

I'm too tierd to pay attention to this fight. All I can think about is him. I can't believe I fell for him. He will never like some dummy like me. Just leave him be and kill yourself already. It's not like anyone likes you. I decide to go to bed but all I can think about is still shinsou. It's just not fair at this point I have to be like this. I have to be so ugly and stupid. Why the hell am I even alive.

I hate falling in love.

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