If You Ever Walk Away

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Taylor and Joe ate their picnic, laughing about their shared interest in people watching. It was a sunny day, and they were burning up in their disguises, but it was worth it.

"Who's that?" Joe tilted his head to a woman with earbuds in on a bench. Taylor considered her.

"Total diva. She's waiting for a photographer because she's taking photos for Instagram. Look at how long her nails are. She can't even pick something up." Joe shook his head, smiling.

"What?" Taylor asked.

  "I-." Joe was cut off by thunder. They packed up their picnic as quickly as they could. It began to rain, and Joe took off his jacket, holding it over Taylor's head so her hair wouldn't get wet. He struggled before opening an umbrella.

         He opened his mouth to speak again

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         He opened his mouth to speak again.

"I LOVE YOU!" He screamed.

"WHAT?" Taylor yelled over the rain.

"I LOVE YOU!" Joe yelled again.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" Taylor laughed as they ran to their car. Joe opened the door for Taylor, keeping her under the umbrella. She got in, and he put the umbrella in the back. He ran to the drivers seat. That was the first time they had said love.

He shook out his hair, causing Taylor to burst out laughing.

        "I rent a place on Cornelia Street

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        "I rent a place on Cornelia Street." Taylor said casually. She had always gone over to Joe's. He began to drive.

Joe looked around her apartment. Her cats curiously walked up to him. He petted them, meeting them for the first time. Taylor offered for him to sit on the couch, and she turned on Friends. They sat under a blanket together, trying to warm up.

As Taylor looked up at him, she became terrified of losing him. She had never fallen for someone like this before, and most people who she loved left. What would she do if Joe left? Would she ever love again?

Joe kissed her forehead gently, hugging her. They had the silence that only came when two people understood each other. Taylor felt her J necklace around her neck. She leaned into him. He had just told her all she needed to know.

It's been a while since I've updated this
This is really short but I hope you like it
Definitely not my best
Pls comment suggestions for other songs chapters can be based on or comment if you liked this at all
See you later

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