"That's a wrap!" yelled the director. He was an odd man, very frantic in his meticulous art. I watched as the film crew clapped, their eyes glistening with joy in finally pleasing the crazy old man.

I felt a pat on the back and turned to see my co-star Andrew Meek smiling ear to ear. He was a pretty boy, with oceanic eyes and teeth so white I could swear they're veneers. "It was a pleasure working with you, Camden," he said, "Hope to see you again soon." I smiled, returning the gesture, "It was great working with you as well, Andy." With that, he swiftly turned and began exchanging pleasantries with the rest of the crew. As he did this, I followed suit and began to do the same.

I'm an actor, well, a 'new' actor. A year ago when I was 18, I caught my big break acting as the main character on the newest Hollywood blockbuster. I didn't it realize at the time, but that gig changed everything for me.

I began seeing my name on billboards, magazines, social media, and even TMZ - that one caught me off guard. They got a clip of me ordering donuts - apparently that was big news. Nonetheless, I am thankful. Many people in this industry will never get the chance to do what I have done.

"Camden your car is waiting for you outside, I will grab your things for you" I look up to see my assistant, Rosalie and thanked her. Right now, she is my best friend. It has been hard to keep in contact with my friends back home, I am too busy and too far away to make time. Sure it hurts to know I can't see them, but this is where I need to be right now.

I'm not the type of girl who imagines her future with kids, a husband, and a white picket fence in the suburbs. My friends back home have these goals and I hope they get everything they want out of their lives, it's just not the first thing I envision for myself. Sure I see myself growing a family, but my career has always been my main goal.

I began my exit, throwing my black denim jacket around my shoulders and whisping the flyaways of my hair back into place. As I start down the narrow hallway I can see the flashes of thousand dollar cameras illuminate the beige walls. I take a breath before placing my hands on the cold, glass doors and push. 

I am greeted by mass amounts of people, many of whom are dressed in casual black attire, holding the extended lenses of their cameras, yearning to get a clear picture of me. The others were holding out posters and pictures, begging for a signature. It is always chaos. "Camden, How was filming?" "Who are you wearing tonight?" "You look gorgeous as always, Camden."

I could never be a pap. I am way too shy, and would cry if I was in close quarters with a celebrity. How superficial? They are just people right? I am just a person.

I spot my car and began my descent down the cracked, concrete stairs into the crowd. I smiled, greeting a few of my fans but still hurried to get to my car. I do get nervous in crowds, I always have been. I appreciate and love these people, but it's overwhelming, to say the least.

My driver courteously rounds the tinted black car and swings open the back door. I slipped in onto the cool, leather seats, waving away the crowd of people. "Where to Ms. Cort?" he asks, "I would like to go home, please," I responded. Without a second glance, he began moving the once lifeless vehicle.

I like cars. Well, I like vintage cars, they're timeless. I have been trying to find a 1959 Cadillace Deville in a baby blue candypaint for years now. It is my dream car to say the least. I am fascinated with that era. My ex-boyfriend from back home was a car fanatic. He never forgot to remind me that he thought vintage cars were 'shitty.' 

He was weird anyways.

I arrived at my house. It is a beautiful home, white and modern with an exotic garden beyond the gated driveway. The house isn't as extravagant as many would think, I like to spend my money on things more worthy than large, empty houses.

I enter my home, hearing my white sneakers squeak on the clean, marble floors. Rosalie pops her head out from behind a display of flowers I was gifted as congratulations on wrapping my newest film today.

"Camden, where have you been?!" She exclaimed, scurrying to my side. I laughed, taking my coat off and hanging it in the closet beside me. "I came right from filming, I promise," I responded, still amused at her worry. I can't blame her though, last time I stopped at McDonald's for some French fries without informing her of my whereabouts, this nearly sent her into a frenzy.

She sighed, trying to hide a grin. "The red carpet is only in a few hours, we need to get you ready," she said. She held a clipboard firmly to her chest scribbling down an array of tasks to complete. Her blonde hair bobbed with her concentration and her fingers paled at the grip on the pen. "Yes, Rosalie, whatever you say" I playfully commented. She glared up at me, still trying to hide a grin. 

Rosalie is very serious about her work, something I admire about her... but don't be fooled, that girl can drink like no one else.

I crossed the entrance of my house, beginning up the broad staircase. I dragged my feet up the stairs in anticipation of the evening. I am beyond excited, red carpets are thrilling.

I enter the glam room, seating myself in front of the gigantic mirror staring at my reflection. My hair is light brown. It's thick and long, I often find myself styling it in a blowout for an exaggerated effect. Not that it matters; I haven't done my own hair in quite a while. I stared back at my green eyes, watching the pupil expand and dilate with every second. I like my face and my body - well, sometimes. Like everyone else, there are days where you love your appearance and days where you despise it.

With that, the makeup artists and hairstylists began to create their art in the form of me.


Hey guys, this is my first chapter and story on here so please bear with me! Feel free to leave behind any constructive criticism so that I can improve, I really hope you enjoyed :)

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