Well Shit...

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In a slumber where no one can wake me from

The scent of her skin still haunts my lungs

Where the moon never leaves her eyes

Here's a toast to another endless night


"Shit." Smoker grunts, slamming his mug on the table and reads over a report from HQ. "Fucking shit." He utters again with a slight frown that slowly emerges on his features. Combing his fingers through his smoldering white hair he exhales, spewing out a cloud of heavy smoke that drifts upwards towards the ceiling. "Well shit..." He grunts once more and tosses the paper aside. Smoker stands up and stretches, his muscles rippling and curling with every twist and turn of his massive torso. "To think she may... pay a visit."

He lights two more cigars and throws his white marine jacket over his broad shoulders, the kanji for "Justice" embedded on the back. He grabs his jitte and heads towards the door, heavy clad boots echoing throughout the room,

thump thump thump.


It's a feeling in my bones

A carousel for two that no one knows

What a twist

When we kiss I feel sick

Any moment I could wake without your lips


"Tashigi I want everyone on guard tonight. Weapons cleaned and loaded." Smoker let's out a low growl. He impatiently taps his fingertips on the wooden table and leans back in the chair, releasing a thick layer of smoke from his lips that seem to linger in the air.

"Yes sir!" Tashigi sits up straight and salutes. The Marine's dark blue hair aligns perfectly with her chin. He didn't know why, but it has always been cut short this way. She has kind, innocent features that are hidden behind huge glasses, which oddly enough, seems to add to her awkward child-like appearance. He knows Tashigi is a grown woman, however, at times Smoker feels as if he's speaking to a child than an adult. Nevertheless, Tashigi is a good marine. She follows directions to a T, and is very handy with a sword... even when she can't seem to walk in a straight line. Yep. Good Marine the kid is. Um. Girl. No wait, Woman. Child? Dammit, it was too fucking hard to tell.

(Y/n) on the other hand, she was all that is womanly. Smoker had no doubt in his mind that she is they very definition of beauty. Beautiful (here comes the corny smilie) like an elegant rose, but just as fucking dangerous! Physically speaking, she was no match for the massive Marine. And some would say that they're evenly matched when it came to their devil fruit powers, but what really made her dangerous was the fact that she has such a profound hold on his heart. As much as Smoker try's to deny it, he still, and always will love her.

"What could she want with my file..." Smoker grunts and flicks the butt of his cigar into his water.

"Pardon sir?"



My paradise

Is stripped and I'm weak

You'll never know

How much it kills me...


Can I really separate my heart from work? She's a wanted criminal after all and he a Marine. The whole reason behind Smoker joining the Marines in the 1st place is to bring down criminals like her. So why then, is this so troubling? Ugh!

After being scolded by Tashigi for not getting enough sleep the past few days, she forcibly 'persuaded' him to get his ass to bed. Which is now were Smoker currently resides. What am I, fucking 9? He lays sprawled out on the soft mattress with his feet hanging off the edge. (Quite comical if you think about it) His massive body always being too large for the beds supplied by the Marines. My Master size should be here within the next few days..fuck I need it. Smoker shifts his body weight on the mattress as to find a spot he deems comfortable.

Lately it seems, everything around him has done a pretty good job at pissing him off. First his steak was over done, and hot damn how he hates it when his steak is over done. Then, surprise surprise, just as he was about to take a shit he realized that there was no toilet paper, which then lead to an hour long lecture about proper bathroom protocol when it came to being the last one to finish the fucking roll of toilet paper. Fucking replace it!

So yes, everything has been pissing him off, so what. So what!? So Smoker doesn't have an outlet to release all his pent up aggression. Usually, he'd resort to masturbation. Grab a dirty magazine and do the deed. Eh, we all do it. But one day while Tashigi was cleaning his office she stumbled across his little porn stash (got the idea from a reader of mine) embarrassed to say the least, Smoker got rid of them. So yeah, that was undoubtably out of the question.

As his mind drifts Smoker brings his hand up to his sculpted chest to feel the slight ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump of his heart.

"Why do I still feel for her? Dammit" Aggravated Smoker slips his hand down his torso and around his shaft. His boxers already on the ground, because (oh em gee) he sleeps in the nude.


Every time I close my eyes

I dream that you're still here

This is

This is my nightmare


Desperately trying not to think of the source of all his aggression Smoker closes his eyes, and thinks back to the pages full of luscious curves and skin.

"Oh yeahhh..." A guttural growl escapes his lips as he strokes his immense member. Starting at the base Smoker grips it firmly, holding it with the index finger and thumb, he slowly moves his hand up and down, his middle finger gently rubs the side of his dick which causes his entire body to shudder.

Smoker's nipples harden as he feels a breeze blow across his shaft. "Fuck" He bites his lip and moves his hand faster. Smoker throws his head back and arches his hips at the constant tugging and pulling. The thick muscles and veins that define his neck grow rigid as a deep growl rumbles throughout his chest to signify that he's close to finding his release.


Every time I go to sleep

I scream cause you're not there

This is my nightmare


Suddenly, for some stupid reason, the image of her pops into his head again. Fucking shit fuck, why now? Completely pissed off and a little hurt by the onslaught of her memory, Smoker abruptly stops and, with a little more force than necessary, whips his pillow across the room. "Fuck."

"Don't stop now." A familiar angelic like voice startles him from the shadows.

"You..." Smoker jerks the navy blue sheets over his erection. "Well shit."

(A/N) Let me know what you think! Get Scared: Nightmare is the band and lyrics used in this chapter. You'll soon understand why I chose this song to use. I suggest listening to them, really great artist! And I'm sorry Yuki for the late update. Don't kill meh!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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