Chapter 18

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Next Week

Everyone went to school as per normal, most of them had already moved on from the event that had happened last week. The only difference was y/n did not attend school. Minju realized that y/n did not come to school for about a week now. At that time, Minju thought y/n was not feeling well.....

It has been 3 weeks, y/n still hasn't come to school. Minju started to get worried. Thinking something happened to her. That day. after school, Minju straight away went to y/n's house to check if y/n was doing alright or not. When she went to y/n's house, Yujin was the one who opened the door. She looked liked she had just cried. 

"What are you doing here Minju?" Asked Yujin.

"I'm looking for y/n. It has been 4 weeks since she didn't come to school. Is she alright?"

"Why do you care? She's not important to you right". Said Yujin. Minju shook her head.

"I do care about her Yujin, You know that".

"Well, you're too late for that Minju".

"What do you mean I'm too late? Look, I came here to see y/n - ". Said Minju but she got interrupted by Yujin.

"Y/n's gone Minju. She's gone. She fucking left !!! " Yujin yelled at Minju

Minju just stood there, trying to process everything that had been said by Yujin.

"Wh-- What? You're joking right. I know she's in there. Let me see her " Said Minju.

"Fine, come inside then". 

Minju went inside the house and everything was empty. She came inside y/n's room and all that y/n had left was her photos with the girls and her photos with Minju. Minju took the photos and looked at them while crying as she remembered that those photos were taken during their second date. It was too late for Minju to apologize to y/n now that she had left the town. Minju took the photos and kept them inside her bag. She looked at Yujin and said :

"Will she come back here Yujin?"

"I'm not sure of it. She didn't say anything about coming back to this place".

"She left because of me isn't it?"

"Yeah, this was all your fault. Why did you do it Minju? Now, I lost one of the most important people in my life. I fucking hate you !!!".

"I know that this was all my fault. You have the right to hate me Yujin because I can't forgive myself either.  I should have stopped in the first place. I was too late for that. I lost her. I lost the person that I love. I fucking hate myself Yujin".

Soon after, Minju left the house. Every day, she will look at the photos and cried, missing y/n, hoping that she would come back so that she can apologize for what she had done to y/n. From that day onwards, Minju became different. She doesn't talk that much, she had become a very quiet person. She was always alone and she would always bring the photos everywhere with her. She was not the Minju that she used to be ........



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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