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As Eugeo (who had regained his childhood form) and Alice Zuberg's fluctlights were going to pass on through the other side, the two of them were walking together, hand-in-hand, in what seemed to be an endless dark corridor, Eugeo turned towards his childhood friend and longtime crush.

"Say Alice, it's great that we have left the fate of the world to Kirito and the other you, but where should we head off actually?"

"Hm... I would like to know that too."

"So you don't know too, huh?"

"W-Well it can't be helped and you know that!"

"O-Of course I know, don't get angry."

'But still, did she feel the same thing before I enlightened her?' Alice thought back about how Alice Synthesis Thirty seemed to be lost in the dark maze before she called her out.

Then, "Oh! Eugeo, look at that, what is it I wonder?"

"I don't know! Let's approach it for now!"

Both of them ran towards what seemed to be light, but actually it was a door, there was light coming out from the small holes present on the door. Both Eugeo and Alice looked at each other before nodding in a determined manner. Sure it didn't mean that they shouldn't be wary but what could happen anyway? They were already dead! So with that Eugeo put his hand on the door's handle, his other's hand was firmly holding Alice's and he turned the handle before opening the door...!

"...What on earth is this place?"

"...I don't have the single idea."

This... would be what a resident outside of Underworld would call 'the interior of a movie theater' but since both Eugeo and Alice are artificial fluctlights, they have no idea about it. Curious, they entered and then saw something that was supposed to be impossible.

"Oh, you two are..." The said person turned to them with a surprised expression while Eugeo cried out her name, "Cardinal-san?! Why on earth are you here, were you alright?!"

Without doubt it was the Cardinal who got killed by the Administrator, why was she here?

"Of course not, Eugeo. If I am here then it means that I died... just like you."

"I-I see, that's right..."

"...So you two ended up dying as well, Eugeo, Alice..." While the Cardinal looked down with a guilty expression, her staff in hand, Eugeo quickly waved his hands, "No it's not Cardinal-san's fault!"

"That's right!" Alice added, "Besides, my Integrity Knight self is still alive, with Kirito outside! They have defeated the Administrator!"

"Is that so..." The Cardinal showed an expression of relief, but...

"Hm? Are those newcomers here?"

"Hmph. Kirito-kun is still doing victims as I see."

"Wait, Kayaba-san, this isn't something you of all people have the right to say!"

"...I cannot deny that, my apologies, Sachi-kun."

"Eh? Eh?" Both Eugeo and Alice looked at the two other people on the sofa, one man in a lab coat and another girl with shoulder-length black hair and dressed in a light blue tunic with a chestguard, the former seemed to be serious with his arms crossed while the latter waved at them in a sympathetic manner.

"By the way, Quinella too was here just a while ago."


"But she said that she didn't want to watch the boring tales of the man who defeated her and ruined her whole plans so she left early. Apparently, she is planning to come back when things would turn more interesting."

"I-I see..." Alice mumbled as she didn't know how to feel about this news, confused while Eugeo asked, "But Cardinal-san, where on earth is this place...?"

Cardinal then closed her eyes with a knowing air and answered, "Fumu. Eugeo, I know that you and Alice must have a lot of questions you want to ask, but firstly, take a seat and more than anything..." She then handed both of them what seemed to be luminous sticks shining with a rainbow light in their two hands.

"Join us, and watch!" The Cardinal announced with the two others in the background nodded in unison at her words.

""..."" Both Eugeo and Alice looked at each other in confusion, both of them with a luminous stick in both hands.


And a little later... on the screen of the giant cinema room was the title 'Sword Art Online Alicization: War of Underworld', and...

"Aah! Alice, it's horrible! Kirito is... Kirito is...!"

"How did things turn out like this?! Ah! And Father! Aren't you way too mean with the other me?! Don't give up, other me! Do your best, other me! Do your best to wake up quickly too, Kirito! Selka is supporting you guys, you know?!"

Eugeo and Alice were waving their light sticks with all their might while jumping on their seats, both of them were watching the new episodes of the new season of SAO together with their seniors.

"...Even though both of them were so hesitant at the beginning, they sure got used to it easily, didn't they?"

"It's so nice to be young, indeed..." Both Cardinal Systems (from Aincrad and the Underworld) nodded to each other in response. And it didn't stop there.

"AH! Alice, Alice! Tiese and Ronie are crying! The Human Empire is in a big mess and Kirito is in danger! What should we do? What should we do?!"

"Eugeo, what are you still doing here?! It's your turn to go! Go help them! Otherwise you won't make it in time!"

"EH?! But how do I do it?! Do I leave just through the door?!"

"Ah, Eugeo-kun, if you ever go back to Kirito's side, say hello to Yuuki-san for me, she is currently absent here but she should be watching over Asuna-san who is nearby."

"Sachi-san?! Asuna-san asides, who is even this 'Yuuki-san' you are speaking about?!"

...And it would be the beginning of many unheard cheering from the deceased to the livings. By the way, there is no need to mention that after that, Quinella brought the recently deceased Bercouli with her and that the number of spectators only grew further...

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