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This is just a tiny note for the story but this is still a chapter connected to the story

Y/N is 7 in this book Okay?
Now that you know that onto the story.

|Y/N's POV|

I was speechless once I saw it but my Sister Sabrina slapped you on the back of you're head "OW! What did you do that for?!" You say angrily while pouting and rubbing the back of you're head "You were zoning out dont blame it on me dimwit! Now go grab you're bag and put it in You're room it's the one with the small bed." Sabrina responds to you while rolling her eyes and then you process her words then run to the trunk and grab you're suitcase and run inside the Cabin.

You were looking at you're room it wasn't to big nor to small..'..Mm..I like it.' You thought to yourself and then set you're suitcase down and put you're plushies on the desk and you're charger on the desk aswell and put your clothes in the little closet same with You're shoes 'Hm..I'll put my blanket and pillow on the shelf just incase I need it at night!' You think to yourself while grabbing the pillow and blanket and putting it on the shelf neatly and grabbing your £10 pounds and putting it in your drawer.

'Its late..probarly one in the morning..I can't sleep..I hear a loud siren its loud but faint..I'll just continu-' before you could finish you're thought you heard a loud scream from outside the window and it sounded like 'He..lP..mE!' It was kind of glitchy and sounded like it came out of a siren but I didn't take notice because the person could need help and Jacob comes running into your room "YOU HEARD THAT TO RIGHT?! It couldn't have just been me." Jacob shouts but then starts to whisper and you nod You're head without hesitation "I-I think it came from the forest..we have to help that person!" You say while whisper shouting "The others didn't hear anything though..but put your shoes on and coat we will help this person!" Jacob says while smiling and you just nod and smile and put your shoes on and your rain Coat that is green with dark green Leafs on it kinda to blend in and once you finish bottoning up Jacob grabs your arm and runs into the forest not waiting for anything just scanning for the person..not knowing that it was...SIREN..HEAD.

This book is pretty good in my opinion I havent lost motivation yet! AAAA I'm so happyyyyy!

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