Stealing Suits You

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You're sat on your sofa, admiring all the things you've stolen from other timelines, you chuckle and grab yourself a bottle of beer. An hour later, you're completely drunk and barely keeping your eyes open, you chuckle and lay your head back, feeling sick, you quickly turn around as you hear a loud noise enter your room, people in uniforms walk out, you stare at them, you read their helmets, 'TVA.' You look at them as two guards approach you and grab you by your arms, you try to fight them as they drag you back out through the 'portal.' You're looking around as they drag you along, you try to fight them again, "STOP." One of them shouts, you groan, they take you into a room and let you go, you stare at them, "wait here, don't do anything." They say, they walk out and lock the door, you groan, you see a chair and sit down, you hold your head and pass out.
You wake up to someone banging their hand on the table, you turn your head and look at them, you have a horrible headache, "you must be Y/N, the mastermind who's fantastic at stealing?" They say, "what?" You ask, "they're drunk." One of the guards shout from outside, the person in front of you laughs, "call me Agent Mobius." They say, you shake their hand and hold your head, "now," Mobius says, sitting down, "you're going to answer some questions for me." He says, "this is absurd." You groan, "great, another Loki." Mobius says, "you mean Thor's brother?" You say, "ah, you know him." Mobius says, "enough of the chit chat." Mobius says, "what's your name?" He asks, "you literally said it a few seconds ago." You say, "I need confirmation." He says, you laugh, "Y/N Y/L/N." You say, "why were you stealing from other timelines?" He asks, "why are you asking me this?" You say, standing up, "you broke our law." He says, "sorry." He says sarcastically, "you're one for words, aren't you?" You say, "definitely another Loki." He says, you slam your hands on the table loudly and he flinches a bit, "I AM NOT HIM." You say, "well no, I don't think he's got into trouble as much as you, wow, you're more mischievous than him." He says, "I have no idea where I am." You say, holding your head and looking around, "you're at the TVA." He says, "as I said, you broke the TVA law, is there an echo?" He says, you roll your eyes, "sit down." He says, "and why should I listen to you?" You say, "I'm going to give you a chance." He says, "bless your heart." You say sarcastically, "you sound like me." He says, "I'm giving you a deal." He says as you gently sit back down, Mobius is staring at you, "staring is rather rude." You say, "your eye is just- nevermind." He says, you sigh, "TIMES UP MOBIUS." A woman shouts from outside, "you're seriously going to leave me in here?" You say, "someone will be back soon for you, but before I go, accept or decline my offer." He says, you sigh, "accept." You say, he smiles, "I knew you'd say yes." He says, walking off, you stare at him as he walks out, "STARINGS RUDE!" He shouts, laughing, "OH SHUT UP, MOBIUS." You shout back as the door slams shut. After a minute of him gone, you're alseep. Minutes after you being asleep, you wake up and jump, falling off the chair as someone is standing there, "I can't sleep for one minute, can I." You murmur, "someone would like to see you." The guard says, they drag you out the door, they have a good grip on your arm as you walk for ages and go in multiple elevators, after a few minutes, the guards stops and lets go of your arm, they walk off, you watch them and jump as Mobius is in front of you when you turn back around, "I need to run through some things with you." Mobius says, you huff, "I knew you'd be happy." He says, dragging you off with him. You're both sat down in front of each other on a desk, "right, so-" He pauses and looks at you, you're asleep again, your head resting on the table, he sits back and looks at you, the documents he was going to go through with you on his lap, he leaves you to sleep and continues scribbling stuff down on the same desk on the documents. An hour later, you wake up, Mobius still scribbling down stuff and looking at you, "morning." He says, "I'm sorry." You say, holding your head, "hey, don't be, we just had to delay it." He says, you smile, "first ever smile." He says, you roll your eyes. "So," he says, "here, no magic works, weapons do, but only higher roles in the TVA are equipped with any weapons, we make sure nobody sneaks them in." Mobius says, "they didn't do very well then." You say, Mobius tilts his head, you yank a gun out of your pocket, "WOAH, woah." He shouts, he takes it off you, "give that back." You growl, "I'll keep it, don't want you shooting any of us." He says, "good job I have more then." You say, he sticks his hand out, "give me them, right now." He says, you look at his hand and then him, you take out some of your weapons, his hand swarmed around weapons, he looks at you, "that's a bit much, isn't it?" He says, "maybe." You say, "you asked me a question earlier," You say, "why do I steal?" You say, "I steal because I'm not good at anything else, I've grown up alone practically my whole life, I've lived in the same house, I can't get any money in and I'd like to, I don't like being nice when people weren't nice to me." You say, "I'm scared of losing my life." You say quietly and slowly, Mobius looks at you, "is that just an excuse?" He says, he laughs, " 'lived alone.' Sure." He says, you put your hands in his head, "we're done here, see you tomorrow." He says, walking off, you slam your fist on the table as he leaves. A few minutes later, blood drips from your eyes and you groan, a guard walks past you and looks at you, you're crying, they walk off.
"Mobius, they're crying." The guard says, Mobius turns around, "I'll go see them." He says, getting up and leaving Ravonna.
You're still sat on the table, you pull out the knife you didn't give to Mobius and look at it, you sigh and look at your arm and back at the knife, you look up and back at the knife, you grab the knife and lift it up to your heads level, you push it towards your head, Mobius sees you from the other side of the work space and sprints across the area to you, he slams the knife out of your hand and looks at you, he catches his breath, "I'm sorry." You murmur, he places his hand on your shoulder, "you need to be in a safe place." He says, he takes your arm and you follow him, you both enter the same room you were in earlier, "seriously, take a minute to calm down." He says, you groan, he walks away, "I'll be back soon, I need to meet someone." He says, walking off. A few minutes later, you've come up with a plan, you see another door on the other side of the room, you walk up to it, you grab your hair pin out of your hair and straighten it, picking the lock the door quietly creaks open, you sneak out, shutting the door to, while walking past a room, you saw some documents, you wanted to see what they were, you sneak to that room and look through the lock, Mobius is sat on the chair, facing the other way, you silently open that door, Mobius not hearing you, you walk over to the statue the documents are resting on and you grab all of them, as you silently walk back to the door, the statue falls and smashes, Mobius looks behind him and sees you, "HEY-" He says, you sprint off down the hall, Mobius sprinting after you, you rush through offices and hide, catching your breath, you hear footsteps, you and Mobius' noses touch as you look around the corner, he's standing there, you groan, he looks at you, "you're pretty impressive." He says, he grabs your hand and you both walk off, you walk past somebody with long, black hair, and it suddenly clicks, it's Loki, "stop staring at him, he loves someone else." Mobius says, "oh shut up." You say, "everyone loves him." Mobius continues, "I have my eyes on somebody else, thank you." You say, Loki looks at you as you get dragged off by Mobius. A few minutes later of walking, Mobius takes you into some kind of cell, "I'm sure you're quite used to these." He says, "not exactly.." You say, you look down at your hand, you still have the documents, you smirk and look at Mobius, "what's so funny?" He asks, you hold your hand out and show him, you read them, Mobius struggles to unlock the cell, he snatches them off you, your faces touching, he rolls his eyes and walks off, locking the cell again, "stealings your thing, isn't it?" Mobius asks, he walks off.
An hour later, you're sat, leaning against the wall, you run your hands through your hair as you lay your hands on your face, blood drips from your eyes again, "stupid haemolacria." You groan, rubbing your eyes, you start hallucinating and seeing visions, you stand up and walk towards them, Mobius comes in the room, you collapse on the floor and he unlocks the cell door, rushing towards you. You wake up on the desk chair you discusses the documents with him earlier, you shoot up and look everywhere, Mobius looks at you, "I'm giving you another chance, because I can sense somethings going on with you." He says, "talk to me." He says, "growing up alone, I always used to zone out, I got scenes come into my head where I'd see things trying to kill me and I'd get so disturbed by them, when I was younger, I thought they were what killed my parents." You say, sighing, Mobius sighs, "I apologise for not believing you." He says, "it's fine." You say, shaking your head, from the other side, Loki is watching you both, "I'm going to ask you, will you accept or decline my offer now? I can help you." He says, you sigh, "I'll always accept your offers." You say, "is that just your excuse to get closer to me?" He says, you glare at him, "you've nearly kissed me multiple times." He says, "that's not my fault!" You say, he laughs, "you didn't say no." He says, smiling, you roll your eyes, you and Mobius both walk off together, you both walk past Loki, Loki grabs your hand, you scream, "MOBIUS-" You shout, you get dragged off into a room, the rooms dark and small, "Y/N YOU IDIOT." Mobius shouts, the lights flicks on and Loki stands in front of you, "oh, it's just you." You murmur, "does Thor know I'm alive?" Loki asks, both of his hands leaning on your shoulders, "Loki.." You say, "Thor thinks you're dead." You say sadly, you rest your hand on the side of Loki's face, he sighs, "I can't go back and tell him, Loki, I've committed crimes, I have to be here." You say, "you and Mobius don't half flirt a lot." He says, "LOKI." Mobius shouts from outside, you groan, "we're just..talking." You say, "you've always had a thing for older men." Loki says, "LOKI, SHUT UP." You shout, "OOH, IS THAT TRUE, Y/N?" Mobius shouts from outside, "MOBIUS." You shout, "just go for it." Loki says, "but I'm a criminal, he works at the TVA." You whisper, "HE PROBABLY LOVES YOU BACK!" Loki shouts on purpose, you cover Loki's mouth, the door swings open and you take your hand off of his mouth, Mobius grabs your hand and drags you out, "Loki, I didn't tell you to steal our variants." Mobius says, "I was just talking to her about private things." Loki says, "I did hear." Mobius says, "get back to doing what you were." Mobius says to Loki, Loki winks at you as Mobius drags you off.
"We need to fin the right document." Mobius says, you and Mobius both shuffle through the documents, trying to find the specific one he needs, he sighs, "we probably threw it away, that was so important." He says, looking sad, "I'm going to go have some lunch, just sit here or whatever." He says, walking off.
After he left, you're searching through all the documents again, you find it and the extra ones he needed, Loki is standing next to you and you jump, "have you asked him out yet?" Loki says, "no, I'm about to go surprise him and give him these while he's at lunch, and then I'll probably sit with him." You say, "Loki, I can't ask him out." You say, "why ever not?" He says, "it just doesn't it right with me, as much as I like him." You say, "HAH, YOU ADMIT IT." Loki says, "go give him the documents." Loki says, laughing, you roll your eyes and walk off.
You see Mobius sat at a table, eating a sandwich, you walk up to him and stand in front of him, you shuffle the documents towards him, he looks at you and then the documents, "found them." You say, "you didn't have to do that." He says, "oh, trust me, I did." You say, "thank you." He says, he goes to shake your hand, but you both end up hugging instead, you smile at Mobius and walk off, he stares at you as you leave.
"YOU HUGGED, YOU WERE SO CLOSE." Loki says, walking next to you, "LOKI!" You laugh, "WHAT??" He says, laughing, "I don't know." You say, you and Loki stop, you both hear screaming, you and Loki run downstairs, some guards have turned and are attacking other TVA members, "Y/N." Mobius whispers loudly, you run towards him, "WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" He asks, "I DON'T KNOW." You say, you grab Mobius' hand and you, Mobius and Loki all run out, Mobius runs ahead of you and a guard comes around the corner and attempts to attack Mobius, guards surround the back of you all, as well, "Mobius.." You say, "oh my god, just say it." Loki says, "Loki, we're about to die, shut up." You say, "Mobius, Y/N is obsessed with you." Loki says, you elbow Loki in the ribs, Mobius is backing up and he looks at you, "let's just, not die first, then we can discuss it, I didn't hear you." Mobius says, you run towards the guards and you start fighting them, Loki helps you and Mobius stands in the middle, watching you both, you kill the guards and so does Loki, you catch your breath and you all run off to the empty office floor.
You're all calming down, sat on a desk, "what did you say earlier, Loki?" Mobius says, "what did I say earlier?" Loki says to you, he winks, "you're trying to make me say it myself." You say, rolling your eyes, "fine, Mobius, Y/N is obsessed with you and she won't stop looking at you and talking about you." Loki says, "TOO MUCH DETAIL." You shout, covering your ears, "it was pretty obvious." Mobius says, "but I didn't necessarily hide it very well either." Mobius says, "what?" You ask, "I guess we both ended up with feelings for each other." Mobius says, "YES." Loki shouts, you and Mobius look at him, he laughs, rushing off to leave you and Mobius alone, "this is awkward, I apologise for all the things I've done." You say, "I apologise for being an idiot towards you." Mobius says, "I didn't really notice that." You say, you both laugh, "thank you, for helping me." You say, "thank you, for being helpful with the things I needed and were too lazy to do." Mobius says, you both laugh again, Mobius sticks his hand out to shake it, you both do what you did earlier and hug, "I love you, surprisingly enough." Mobius says, "I love you too, surprisingly enough." You say, you both laugh again, Loki sniggering around the corner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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Stealing Suits You; Mobius; Part 1Where stories live. Discover now