Chapter 1

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It's been six years 2 months and 4 days since I last seen Liam. I haven't had a phonecall, a letter or even a fucking postcard.. Nothing. It's my birthday and I'm waiting by the phone for him to call like I have every year on key dates but still.. Nothing! He's beginning to piss me off and he won't like me very much...
Steve dissappeared on me too. It's been a little over a year since I heard from him and I'm beginning to think somethings happening. It's my 25th birthday and I'm still living in my apartment and have my bakery. So I'm thriving like he asked and I have moved on with Victor. We're happy ish.. But I still want my king. I won't  settle for less. And another thing I'm pregnant..
"Baby girl, seriously.. You do this ever year on your birthday. Get over him already you need to take the ring off to" Victor tells me and I just stare at him.
"I will never take the ring off Victor. Get over it already" I tell him and he sighs looking me over..
"Shall we go out now?" he asks me as the plan was to go for dinner with Sian and Kai, yet like every birthday I don't want to celebrate another year without him. I miss him. So fucking much!
"Let's just leave" I tell him walking out the bakery waiting to lock up.

Arriving at the restaurant I climb out the car not being bother to wait for Victor and see Sian. My savour, she's still rooting for me and Liam even tho I'm pregnant with Victor's baby.
"Hey babes, how you both doing?" Sian asks me and I sigh.
"I'm OK babe, how are you three doing" I ask her laughing rubbing her massive bump.
"Can't wait to be me again" she says and I chuckle. Bless her she's having twins and she already has a three year old boy - Leyton. He's Kai's double aswell.
"I'm starving can we go eat now?" she says and I nod eagerly wanting some chicken..

Sitting eating my food I look at Sian and Kai happily inlove with envy. I want my baby. I want to be held and carrying Liam's baby not Victor's. How did this get so wrong? I zone out from the guys talking about work and Sian sits there stuffing her face I feel alone. All I think is where is he now? Is he safe? Why's it so hard for me to give up on the past. I want things to be how they used to be.
"Are we getting dessert baby girl?" I hear Victor say and I just want to punch him in the throat every time he says it. I gave up a long time ago telling him because he won't listen. Like I told him I'm not, nor ever be his baby girl again. Same way I will never take off my ring..
I just look around the room and I swear I seen Liam but I shake my head. Just wishful thinking Stacey.
"I'm not bother Victor I just feel like going home" I tell him and he sighs.
"Your still letting him ruin your life, he don't care about you and your here acting like this" he says and I just stare at him.
"You should be grateful I'm carrying your baby" I tell him pissed and grab my purse getting up.
"I'll call you babe" I tell Sian and leave. I hear Victor call out for me and I flip him my middle finger. I'm not in the mood for him.

Arriving back at my apartment I step into the elevator and I'm hit by the smell of Liam. My baby's been here and I missed him, fuck! I'm consumed by his smell for about 30 seconds and the doors open and I see flowers on my door step with a letter folded up next to the flowers. Grabbing both of them I pull my keys out and make my way inside kicking the door closed.
Dropping onto the sofa I open the paper and see Liam's handwriting..

Hello beautiful
I sit outside your door writing this letter so happy that you are happy baby. I watched you leave and you looked perfect like you always do. I've missed you so fuckin much.
Congratulations my queen, your going to be an amazing mum I'm so proud of you. Happy birthday beautiful aswell I never stop thinking about you. I won't lie it hurts that you moved on but I'm happy that you did rather than waiting around for me. Now I see that your truly happy and having a baby I'm going to move on.. I hope one day in the future if you see me you can be proud of the man I've become. I love you Stacey Johnson.
Yours Always and Forever

I sit there bawling my eyes out and I can't stop. He was here and I fucking missed him. How could he think I'm happy.. I'm alone and fucking pregnant!
My baby's hurting thinking I've moved on when I haven't. Fuck I need to find him. I jump up grabbing my purse as I hear the elavator opening my door I step out closing it behind me seeing Victor I lock it and walk to him sighing. This is my sad life..
"What are you doing up here Victor!" I ask him irritated.
"I came to check on you baby girl, come on let's go inside" he says and I laugh.
"Your not going in there, how many fucking times do I need to tell you. And call me baby girl one more time and I swear to God.. I'll fucking end you.. Understand?" I ask him fuming and he sighs.
"Understood baby.. STACEY" he empathises and I nod turning and unlock my door then close it on him. I need to find Liam but where do I start?

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now