Chapter 2 Liam's POV

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Three months later

Walking past the bakery like I do everyday to check up on her I see Victor exiting the place. Fuck.. I really wana ask if she's OK. I continue strolling and casual bump into him..
"Sorry man.. Victor" I say acting surprised to see him and he looks me over and sighs.
"She's happy without you, just leave her alone we're engaged and having a fucking baby Liam" he starts to raise his voice and I look him over..
"First off.. What have I told you about swearing at me my queen isn't here to save you this time, you imbecile" I warn him and he steps back swallowing.
"Secondly.. I'm happy for her even if it is with you. I don't care about you. But remember she will always come back to me" I tell him smug and he fucking knows it.
"Then leave us to be happy then" he says and I laugh.
"I've been back for years, I have been leaving you both alone" I tell him shrugging my shoulders.
"What you doing here at her bakery then?" he asks me and I smirk.
"Exactly my queen's bakery, do you like the name? There's just something about it" I tell him cocky licking my lips and he looks at me confused.
"Well it does make sense. There ment to be seen as a treasure as they are cakes and that" he says trying to sound like he knows what he's talking about fucking imbecile. I roll my eyes at him.
"Why don't you ask her and see what she says" I tell him and he raises a brow at me
"If you know she's happy why you still around?" he asks getting irritated.
"I'll always make sure she's good Victor" I walk towards him telling him straight.
"Well you need to stop. She's mine!" he yells and I just laugh at him. Is he serious right now..
"I'll let you have that one as you actually made me laugh. Don't ever raise your voice at me again" I warn him really reconsidering my promise to fuck him up. He steps up to me and I drop him with one punch.
"Why would you make me do that, why did you have to step to me" I tell him. This was not what I came here to do. Fuck! He's just always fucking there. Suddenly hearing the bakerys door bell I hide behind the corner and she speaks.
"Victor.. Are you OK?" she asks sounding concerned like she cares for her new husband to be is on his ass on the floor holding his nose. I don't know how I feel about all this. I watch her help him up and take him into the bakery looking around but I don't let her see me. I dissappear like I keep doing. I need to move on. She's obviously happy with him and I need to accept that. I knew the risk I was taking by letting her go. Who wouldn't want my perfect baby. My queen. Fuck I've lost her!

I stand in Jason's apartment getting ready for a blind date Jason set me up with from an app he used. I look myself over in the mirror thinking I look good for the first time in awhile. I've cut my hair again and trimmed down my beard. I'm trying. I promised Jason I'd try.
"You can do this Liam." I slap my cheeks egging myself on. Taking a deep breath I think it's time to find myself.

Pulling up at the address Jason text me I jump out the car and walk up the path and knock on the door.
"Hey Liam right?" she says shyly and she's cute.
"Hello Amy, are you ready?" I ask her and she nods turning around to grab something and shuts the door locking up.
"I'm so excited, where we going?" she asks and I smile at her opening the car door.
"Somewhere we can eat and get to know each other" I tell her and she smiles. She's beautiful just not Stacey's like herself I'd definitely fuck her but she's not my queen. Walking round the car I sigh to myself and put on a fake smile. She deserves it at least. I'm gonna try my best to give it my all. I need to move on. She has and that makes me sad.

"So, how long have you been single Liam?" Amy suddenly asks around mouthfuls of spaghetti.
"Years, I'm only looking for special" I tell her honestly and she blushes.
"What about yourself?" I ask her not really interested.
"About a year I need a man not a boy" she tells me licking her lips and I think she's flirting. I'll fuck you like a man but I definitely ain't interested in a relationship. I feel heartbroken that she's actually moved on. I thought she'd just live her life and wait for me but she actually fucking moved on. I don't wanna be angry or mad at her for moving on but I can't help it. I'm livid.. I don't wanna be here either. Fuck..
"Good to know, I ain't looking for anything serious" I tell her and she nods
"I can work with that handsome" she calls me and I just smile at her and get back to eating. I can't stop comparing her to Stacey. Everything she does or says. I can't be myself hundred percent around anyone like I can Stacey. I understand when she said it was hard to move on. It fucking is.
I'm soo sorry baby. I had no idea I call out to her. Fuck what am I doing? How can I ever be happy without her. Why can't I be selfish with her and rip her away from that imbecile.

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