Chapter 3

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Six months later - In Labour

"Muuuuum it hurts, make it stop" I cry out as I have half of my baby girl out of me..
"You're so close baby, just abit more and your baby will be out" she talks soothingly and runs the flannel over my sweaty face.
"Push Stacey" the midwife calls out and so I take deep breaths and push with all I've got.
"FUCK!" I scream and feel instantly released from pain when she's out and I hear her crying. I've had a fucking baby..
My mum cuts her cord and she gets placed on to me and I cry. I have a baby.. With someone who doesn't care to be here while I give birth.
"You've had a baby girl baby" my mum says and I think of Liam. I miss him so much right now. He'd of been here hundred percent by my side holding my hand through it. How did we get here? I'm sick and tired of asking this question..
"Congratulations baby" my mum says to me and kisses my forehead.
"I'm so proud of you hunny, shall I go tell Sian now?" she asks me and I nod looking at my baby on my chest. The midwife takes her away and I start to panic.
"I'm just going to weigh her hun and do some measurements, don't worry" she says and I sigh nodding.
"I'm so happy for you babes, your going to be amazing, I just know it and I'm always here" Sian says coming over to me and hugging me. I hug her back and begin to cry.
"I know babe. He's not worth your tears, you have your baby now" she tells me and I slowly nod feeling like a failure. I couldn't even get Victor to come to the birth of his baby girl.
"Liam called me when you came in to see how you was. He wants me to call him when you've had her" she tells me and I sigh. He said he was moving on..
"Let me call him" I say holding out my hand for her phone and she unlocks it and scrolls to the number hitting call, I put the phone to my ear preparing myself to hear his vice after six years. Don't fucking cry. I tell myself
"Sian? Has she had the baby? Is she OK.. Is the baby OK? Is Victor there? Talk to me damn it" he says down the phone and I can't help but smile.
"Hi baby" I say quietly down the phone and he catches his breath.
"It's so good to hear your voice. Please tell me your OK and your baby is" he asks me and I can hear the concern in his voice.
Sighing I answer him.
"I'm feeling like shit" I tell him honestly and he chuckles..
"Well congratulations beautiful, you will be an amazing mum. I'm so proud of you" he tells me sounding happy and I can't ruin this for him. I know he's about to ask about Victor and I don't want to lie but..
"Is Victor there for you enjoying the moment of becoming a family" he asks me and I feel the tears roll down my face.
"He's here but he had to pop out for some things I needed" I lie and I can't stop the tears flooding. I feel so fucking guilty lying to him but I need him to be happy and he sounds it. Sian rubs my leg soothingly and I wipe my eyes..
"I'm glad he is there for you, enjoy your life beautiful. I still love you Stacey Johnson and I always will" he says and I choke on my tears hearing him say it.
"I love you too baby, enjoy your life" with out me I thought and hang up. I can't do this again.

After finally convincing Sian I was OK she left me along with my mum. I'm currently trying to feed my baby who I've decided to call Mya.
"Come on baby, feed for mummy" I tell her and she crys. Opening her mouth I slide the teat in and she begins to suckle. Thank god.
Looking around my room I should be sharing with Victor and I can't wait to go back home with my baby.
Yawning I wind Mya after she finishes her bottle and she falls asleep in my arms. Slowly putting her down in the little bed I lay down and curl up staring at her. Why can't you be Liam's? He'll love you unconditionally and you'll love him the same. I say to myself and sigh..

The nurses come around and check me and ask me questions about how I'm feeling within myself and as a new mum. Mya does everything she needs to do so I'm discharged and climb out the bed. My mum appears again and looks me over.
"You ready to go hunny" she asks me and I nod to her.
"Yes please mum, I can't wait to get out of here" I tell her and she laughs.
Getting my stuff together I get dressed quickly and put a coat on Mya and put her into the car seat.
My mum picks her up and helps me walk out the room and into an awaiting elevator.

Putting Mya into the car I strap the seat belt around her securely and just look at her. How did I make such an amazing thing. Smiling I shut the door and make my way around the car and climb in beside her. My mum pulls off and I see Liam standing there watching me smiling. I offer him a smile back and try hold back my tear of seeing him again. He blows me a kiss and waves bye to me. Is he finally letting me go now?

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now