Chapter 8

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SM: Ok we have question for the guys instead of us for once 

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SM: Ok we have question for the guys instead of us for once 

R: Thank go because I could take answer questions 

PP: Drama Queen 

SM: This is getting really of topic. The question have any of you guys lied to us.

R:I'm excited 

SM: I am not what so ever 

TS: Oldest to youngest among you guys 

AJ: So you mean Timber then Flash,Caramel, Fancy Pants, Discord, Cheese Sandwich, Ayden and lastly Soarin 

SM: You know what  I just realised that if we compare them from oldest to youngest and us from oldest to youngest the pattern is the same 

F: This is getting really off topic 

SM: Just answer the question 

T: I lied to twilight once I cancelled a date with her just because I had a test the next day 

TS: What? You could have met up and studied with me you know 

T: Sorry Twi but its from 3 years ago probably before Sayden became a thing 

F: I  lied Sunset put that was when we used to date before we broke up and started dating again 

C: I lied to AJ once which she obviously figured out she can spot a lie from a mile away 

FP: I lied to Rarity once I had a lot of homework  but I lied to her telling I was sick 

RD: Honestly one of the worst and easiest lies to spot 

D: I lied to fluttershy but it was for a prank so I guess it counts 

FS: I think that counts *Kisses Discord's cheek* Oh and I forgive you for it 

D: Finally its been 4 months 

CS: I have lied also for  a park, Last year on pinkie's 17th birthday I did a prank where I ignore her and forget about her for 24 hours so like discord mine was a prank 

PP: I should have known 

A: I have never lied to Sharani 

SS: I have lied to Dash once I was doing a live stream with the twins (fire and lighting streak) Ayden, Cheese, Wave and Liam (Sharani's ex)

RD: Well I can't really be mad at you did tell me like what 2 days ago.

CS&PP: Don't forget to ask questions or dares

All: BYE!!!!!!!

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