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Y/n was the type of girl who hated sappy love stories she wasn't very found of dating or even liking anyone for that matter

All that was soon to change when she moved

Her parents decided to say fuck the US and move all the way to Japan more specifically Tokyo

And what school you might ask ?

Fukurōdani Academy

Second year there

You know the school that is good at volleyball

Yea that school

I hate being the new girl having all eyes on me all the attention the spot light on me

Especially to make friends ughhh i hated that so much my family was always moving around so i was bad at making friends we were never in the same place for too long

Didn't expect Tokyo would be any different

Don't get me wrong i'm not a bitch or anything

I just know better than to make friends then cry about it later when i would have to move but that's happened more than once

Been there done that i don't plan on making any friends here either

Well now i'm standing right in from of this academy that i'm supposed to start right now

My mom picked up my uniform it's alright can't say it's my favorite or anything i prefer the color red but at least we get black skirts and grey

I will never understand how or why i feel those comedy movies where girls fall in love and be all sappy and caring and heartwarming

I met with the principal and he gave me my schedule mmh this school is pretty big i'm going to have a hard time to find where i'm going

These hallways literally go on forever i'm going to have to need a GPS just to find my way

Looking around the walls and doors i suddenly bump into a tall figure and fall on my ass

"Ouch " I let out a little whimper

"HEY HEY HEY OMG IM SO SORRY" The tall figure yells

"Your so loud it's only 8am " I say holding my head

Gosh this kid is so loud who even is he

"Hi my name is Bokuto i'm a 3rd year i'm ALSO the captain of the boys volleyball team" The broad shouldered male said

"Hi my name is Bokuto i'm a 3rd year i'm ALSO the captain of the boys volleyball team" The broad shouldered male said

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Shit this loud mouth is my senpai gosh

"Yes hello Bokuto-Senpai my name is Y/n L/n i'm a second year" I say bowing

"Your new here?" He says

"I am " I blankly state

"Need help finding your class?" Bokuto says taking my schedule out of my hands

"Yes if you don't mind" I say slightly jumping on my tiptoes and back on the balls of my feet

"Yea come on !!" He says taking my hand looking back down at my schedule

"Please senpai slow down!!!" I stay as i'm being dragged around the hallways

We finally make our way outside of a classroom

"Here we are oh wait !!! this is Akaashi's classroom " He says looking in

"What's an Agaashii?" I say highly confused

"Not a what y/n-chan a whoo & it's Akaashi he's my best friend " Bokuto says waving down his friend

A semi tall male comes he has dark raven hair with wait a minute does he have soft skin omg i want to touch it

Wait bitch restrain yourself dumb ass

Why am i thinking about touching his skin ?

Have i stooped so low as to want to touch a boys face

"Hi bokuto" The other tall male says now right in front of you

Shit when did he get this close

"Hey this is Y/n she's new here and she's in your class" Bokuto says ushering towards you

"Hi my name is Akaashi nice to meet you" The raven haired boy says extending his hand out to you

"Hi my name is Akaashi nice to meet you" The raven haired boy says extending his hand out to you

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I take his hand and shake it wow his hands kind of warm

Soft and warm big too

"Well i should get going" Bokuto says as he runs off then gets yelled at by a teacher telling him not to run

"We should probably get inside before we are late" Akaashi says as he turns around with his hands in his pockets and walks in

The teacher comes in while we all sit down

"I see we have a new student Ms. L/n please stand up and introduce yourself and tell us something about yourself" Our teacher says

Shit now everyone's looking at me i hate being the center of attention

All girls could be seen whispering and gossiping

I hated that too

"Hello my name is Y/n L/n and something interesting about me ummm i came from the US" I say then sit right back down

Just before sitting all the way down

I look around and i catch Akaashi staring at me omg why is he staring at me do i have something on my face

I look around and i catch Akaashi staring at me omg why is he staring at me do i have something on my face

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Sitting again i look back into my desk and start doing my work

A/n how do you think this story will play out ?

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