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It was terrible. Absolutely terrible. Today I had to endure the horrors of high school. They were tons of people and we didn't do anything today except for an assembly I was so confused and went to all of my classes late, and the worst part. Everyone stared at me. Didn't anyone ever learn staring is rude! I'm just glad I'm home, my sister went to her new friends house. Who just happened to be the new boy her age, and they happened to be acting awfully close together. That's not the part that made me suspicious though, the part that made me suspicious is that she told me to tell our parents if they asked where she was, to say that she was at Oceana's house. Even though she wasn't.

I knew that I had homework but I really just wanted to relax for a bit. My parents would be home at 8 so I had time to kill before I was bombarded with questions about new friends, school, and homework. So I turned on the tv and relaxed.

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up it was 6:40. I called out for my sister and looked around the house only to realize she still wasn't home yet. I tried calling her twice with no answer, I could already tell this was not going to turn out good. I was bored and incredibly worried so I decided now was the time to investigate my room, I mean I would have to get used to it at some time and it would distract me from worrying about my sister.

I opened the door and walked in, I decided to close the door for the optimal hearing experience. Once again I heard absolutely nothing. I sighed placing my head on the floor. After I sat there for about 10 minutes I concluded that I could no longer hear the ghost in my room, or it just simply wasn't there, or maybe...it was just dormant. That sent a lingering shiver up my spine. I saw that my mom had put a mattress on my floor for the time being until I get a bed. I rose up off my floor to move the pillow and blankets I left on the couch last night to my bedroom.

I came back and set the pillows and blankets on the mattress when finally, I heard something. It sounded like a door slamming but it came from in my room. I whipped my head around looking for the source of the sound. I jogged out of my room looking to see if anyone had entered the house,"Mom,Dad?...Courtney?." that's when I concluded the sound came from my room. I calmly entered my room, knowing that someone, something was making noise in there. I heard a distinct whine or a whimper and a sniffle. I froze, and that's when I chose to speak up "Hello?" nothing. Still nothing. Then to my horror I heard it "H-hello." It was so quiet if I had not been listening for something in the first place I would not have heard it, It sounded like young boy, maybe my age, and he sounded scared. "Your'e real, I'm not crazy! Are-are you a ghost...?" I heard a slight sniffle and something rustling around,"Wha-what are y-you tal-." That's when my phone started to blare my sisters ringtone from the living room. I sprinted out of room to answer my phone completely forgetting about the ghost in my room.

I answered the phone practically screaming my sisters name it was already 7:30. "Vi, Viola stop your screaming or I'll hang up, my god I just called to say I'm coming home." My heart race picked up knowing she would not get home before my parents did " What? You are not going to get home before mom and dad if your'e walking, is he driving you?" I heard Courtney sigh "Ya he is but he is dropping me a block away, I still don't think I'll make it in time and if I don't, remember I was at Oceana's. If you tell them anything else I sw-" " Ya I know, I know you will murder me in my sleep just text me when your'e a block away." My sister hung up and I waited for my parents to arrive.

My sister arrived about 2 minutes before my parents and of course never sent me the text she was supposed to when she was a block away. I ran up to the door glad I would not have to lie to my parents on my sisters behalf. " Oh my- what are you wearing?!" "Shut up and not a word to mom and dad." My sister shoved passed me and in to her room, she was wearing the shortest skirt I have ever seen and her top...wasn't even a top. My parents came home about two minutes later, my sister came out of her room wearing some more appropriate pajamas.

We sat at the table eating dinner while our parents profiled me and my sister on our first day of school. It wasn't until me and my sister were washing the dishes when I remembered I had actually communicated with the ghost in my room. Once we finished our chores I went in to my room and got on my pajamas, I got comfy in my mattress and then I waited. I waited for the ghost boy to talk to me. After about an hour I was drifting off to sleep when I heard a sob.

I shot up listening and sure enough, I could hear someone crying." Hello, hey It's me again" I heard a small sniffle, there was a long pause before i heard him again "Your'e the girl th-that thinks I'm a ghost" he practically whispered "Wait your'e not?" Maybe he still thought he was alive. I heard a slight laugh"N-no I'm in my room and I'm sure that I'm alive." I sat there for a minute taking this all in, how can 2 people just comunicate through each others rooms. "Hey keep talking I will find where your voice is comming from." "Um ok" I listened to the boy say apple over and over until I found the source, I let out a small laugh. "Hey do you have a vent in your room?" I heard some shuffling and then his voice was more loud and clear "Oh ya look at that." I smiled now knowing my room wasn't haunted there was just a boy talking to me through the vent. "So whats your name?" I waited for the boy to respond. "Not to be rude but... I don't really know you." "Oh ya I get that stranger danger" I didn't really get it I mean telling your name can't be that bad, and we can't even even see each other, but that's when I got an idea. "Hey how about we use codenames instead?" I heard the boy give out an excited cry "Ya that sounds ok.. mine will be...Charlie-Oscar-X-Ray" I laughed. "Ok what should mine be?" "Hmmm how about Pilot Inspector?" "Pilot...Inspector? That's interesting...ok that will be mine." I looked at the clock seeing it was 12. "Hey I got to go..." I didn't want to stop talking to him but I knew I had to go to bed, I had school tomorrow "Oh ok bye Pilot Inspector" I smiled at the use of the nickname"Bye Charlie-Oscar-X-ray, we need to figure out a way to shorten that."

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