||A Prologue||

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Five countries. Five Wars. The start of this war. Konohagakure. The Fire Country. Fire association with destruction, passion, hell. The center of all wars. And the outcome of war. Death.
A whole entity divided into nine. An entity of mass destruction. A weapon. These entities become slaves of their own destruction, hidden within another entity. A jinchuuriki is born. These jinchuuriki's used as weapons for the entity's within them and used to win wars. Still, peace has managed to maintain for 20 years. However, a newborn entity threatens this peace in the future as his will has entered him.
Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto Uzumaki

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"What's your name? You seem lonely"



Three kids ran down the streets of Konohagakure, one kid of the group as the second kid was not too far behind the first kid, while the third kid lacked behind the two in front of them. Throughout the time they ran, the first and second kid began alternating places, it seemed as if they were in a competition. The third kid however seemed to be nervously giggling as they were a pretty big distance away from the other two. When the first and second kid began to run at the same distance, they would bump into each other and try to push the other out of the way. After a while, the running became the pushing as the two struggled to be above. Unbeknownst to them however, the third kid had managed to surpass both of them but the other two were so focused on trying to win the other out, they hadn't realized that they were already surpassed.
While turning on a corner to a nearby alley, the first and the second kid both had collapsed over tripping on a small but stiff pebble. They seemed to not care however as they reached their destination.

"I totally won you this time!" Shouted the second kid.

"Really? Losers can never get 1st in anything, especially against me" gloated the 1st kid.

"Oh I can easily win against you so don't increase your ego!"

"If that was true, how come you've never won anything against me?"

The first kid smirked as the second began growling in frustration. They were about to have another fight against themselves as usual, but were interrupted by laughter behind them. They twisted their heads slowly at the same time to the laughing voice behind them and saw the 3rd kid sitting on a wooden, nailed up box while laughing with their eyes squeezed shut. Once they noticed the other two stopped arguing, they opened one singular eye and smiled widely.

"This is funny because none of you actually won," the third kid laughed.

They jumped off the box they were seated on and finished their laughing, while walking up to the other two kids that were still collapsed and extended their hand to help them up.

"Looks like I finally beat both of you, Sasuke and Naruto." The third kid said as they extended their hand to the boys now identified as Sasuke and Naruto.

Naruto Reversed AU: A Fragmentary Passage ||Book 1||  (Pictures Added)Where stories live. Discover now