Tequila Sunrise(Emblem3 Fanfic

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A/N: I hope you don't mind cussing because there will be a lot of it throughout the story! Sorry if you don't like it but just pretend that the words aren't there or if I get a lot of comments or inboxes that people don't like the cussing, I will take it out altogether :D -Mer<3

I whipped out my phone and texted my best friend Wesley. My best friend Wesley is THE Wesley Stromberg from Emblem3. He was home sick today from school so he wanted me to protect his little brother Keaton from all of the bullies. Our convo went a little like this:

B- Hey Stromberg! I've been watching Keaton for you today...it's Mr.Daniels' class now and he's asleep so I'm texting my best bud!

W-Hey Peterson! Thanks for watching Keaton for me today. Haha Daniels is always asleep...that is why I always write "Free period Bitches!" on the board. Who's your best bud???

B- Haha. You've always been the class clown. Are you fucking stupid Stromberg?!?! You are my best bud!!

W-Oh yeah,that would make sense.*Facepalms*

B-Well,it's now the end of the day. Do you want me to give Keaton a ride home? I have

more than enough room!

W-Sure. You gotta find him though. He's probably sucking face with Kaitlyn,the school's whore.

B-I found him. Actually, he was in Mrs.Larson's room getting help with Calculus.

W-That's my bro. Always sucking up to teachers so he doesn't fail since he always skips class to go find his girlfriend of the week so he can suck face with her the whole god damn day!

B-On way home...we should hang if you are feeling a bit better!

W-Ok :) Let's hang then!

B-I'm in the drive :D

W-Come in! You know you don't have to knock!

I pull open the door and see Wesley sitting on the couch with a bag of chips. He says "Hey Bianca! We've got bacon in the fridge and popcorn chips in the cabinet!"

I run towards the fridge to get the bacon and put it in the microwave as I got the popcorn chips out of the cabinet. I took the bacon out of the microwave and went to sit down by Wesley. He stole a piece of my bacon...shit was about to go down! I yelled for Keaton to get the piece of bacon from his brother. Keaton succeeded in retrieving the piece of bacon. I finished my food and Wesley and I got into a pillow fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2013 ⏰

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